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For members of Congress, the U.S. flag code requires only that the flag be lowered on the day of the death and the following day. However, according to The Washington Post, “presidents have the power to issue proclamations extending that period.” When Sen. Ted Kennedy died in 2009, President Barack Obama ordered U.S. flags flown at half-staff for five days.

U.S. flags in Colorado should be flown at half-staff at all public buildings under sunset Saturday, according to Hickenlooper’s order.

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The governors of Arizona, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Maryland have also ordered that U.S. flags in their state be flown at half-staff.

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Updated: Just after 2 p.m. Colorado time Monday, and after more than 24 hours of criticism,” President Trump issued a statement honoring Sen. John McCain’s service and ordered all U.S. flags flown at half-staff until after McCain is buried on Sunday.

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Until Monday, Trump had refused to offer any comment saluting McCain’s decades of service to the nation; he once said he didn’t respect McCain because “I like people who aren’t captured,” referring to McCain’s five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

The Capitol in Washington, D.C., continues to fly the flag at half-staff in McCain’s honor. He served six terms in the Senate.

The Washington Post on Sunday reported that Trump’s spokesperson, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, had drafted a statement that would have honored McCain for his service, but that Trump ordered it canceled. The president has been roundly criticized on social media — including with the hashtag #NoRespect — and on cable news for his refusal to honor McCain.

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Flying the flag at half-staff follows a long-standing proclamation created by President Dwight D. Eisenhower that says that the flag is lowered “upon the death of principal officials and former officials of the government of the United States and the governors of the States, territories and possessions of the United States as a mark of respect to their memory.”

The standard for years has been that the flag be flown at half-staff until the official’s burial has taken place. McCain’s is scheduled for Sunday at the Naval Academy.

Ahtough McCain voted for Trump’s agenda on issues like federal tax cuts, he was also one of the president’s fiercest critics in the U.S. Senate. McCain was the crucial vote in killing Trump’s efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act in the Senate last year, giving his famous “thumbs-down” vote.

In his order, Hickenlooper said, “John McCain dedicated his life to serving this country. We (and the world) lost an incredible leader. He could never have imagined how much he’ll be missed.”

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper has joined a growing list of governors who have ordered the U.S. flag in their state be flown at half-staff in memory of U.S. Sen. John McCain — despite President Donald Trump’s Monday order to return flags to full-staff at the White House.