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Revocation of Flag State Administration Advisory (FSAA) No. 64 Issued on 13 April 2005 as Regards Acceptance / Submission of Compulsory Passenger Insurance Coverage In the Amount of P100,000.00 Per Passenger
Imposition of Fines By Brazil on foreign Seafarers From Countries Who Are Not Signatories to International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention 185
Implementation of a “One-Time Compliance” Policy on the Filing of Applications for Assessment of Competence, Issuance, Revalidation and/or Replacement of STCW Certificates and MARINA Professional ID
Extension of the Implementation of Marina Advisory No. 2013-16, Series of 2013, Effective From 01 January 2014 Until 31 December 2014 on the Nationwide Marina Mobile Registration, Licensing, Documentation and Franchising of Motorbancas and Fishing Boats Below 35 Gross tons; and Licensing of Seafarers Manning Such Ships
Centralization In the Issuance of All ISM/NSM Certificates and Plans Approval for Ship Modifications / Alterations / Conversions
Implementation of MC 2015-08, “Rules and Regulations on Subdivision and Damage Stability Requirements for Philippine Registered Domestic Ships”
Revised Implementation Period for Marina Advisory No. 2013-04 In Re: Incorporation In the Safety Management System (SMS) the Procedures to Be Observed During Inclement Weather
Reiteration of the Manda tory Wearing of Lifejackets for Passenger on Board Passenger Ships/Motorbancas as Per Marina Memorandum Circular No. 2008-08 Dated 12 December 2008
Reiteration of the Strict Compliance to the Convention on the International Regulation for Preventing Collision at Sea, 1972 (COLREGs) and Observance of Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS), Inshore Traffic Zone and Mandatory Reporting Requirements while Transiting the Dover Strait and other Navigational Areas with TSS
Extension of Statutory Certificates Issued by MARINA and its Recognized Organizations (ROs) as a Temporary Contingency Measure during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Amendment to STCW Advisory No. 2020-02 on the Guidelines on the Issuance of Unclaimed Certificates of Passing the Theoretical Examination and Practical Assessment for Merchant Marine Officers
Reiteration of Cash Bond Requirement Under FSAA 2008-07 for Temporary Carriage of Heavy Grade Oil By Single Hulled Tankers
Prohibition of the Conduct of “Open Loading” or Drumming Onboard Ship of Flammable Liquid Cargoes in Packaged Form and Other Appropriate Measures
Additional Security Measure to Ensure the Safety and Security of Filipino Seafarers/on Board Ships Within the Vicinity of the War Area
Effect of the Transitory Provision of MARINA Circular No. 2018-01 to Existing Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Recognized Organizations
Further Extension of the Revalidation Period for STCW Certificates as a Temporary Contingency measure Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
Transfer of Domestic-Certificate of Competency (D-COC) Processing to Seafarers’ Certification and Documentation Division (SCDD) of the Manpower Development Service (MDS)
Second Addendum to the Agreement Governing the Delegation of Statutory Certification Services for Vessels Registered In the Philippines Engaged In International Voyages Between the Maritime Industry Authority and the Recognized Organizations In the Implementation of Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
Amendment to Marina Advisory No. 2013-05 Dated 23 May 2013 on the Grant of Provisional Relief In the form of A Temporary Authority to Operate Pending Resolution of the Application for Issuance of Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9295
Clarifications on the Provisions of MC 165 Rules on the Accreditation of Classification Societies and Entities for the Purpose of Classification of Ships In the Domestic Trade
Precautionary Measures and Other Related Safety Concerns In the Construction and Operation of RORO Passenger Ships In the Domestic Trade
Requirement to Prominently Display Notices Showing Entitlement of Senior Citizens to A Twenty (20%) Percent Discount and Exemption From Value Added Tax, as Applicable, and Other Related Concerns as Provided Under Republic Act No. 9994, Known as the Expanded Senior Citizen Act of 2010 and Its Implementing Rules and Regulations (Further Amendments to R. A. 7432, as Amended By R. A. No. 9257)
Clarification on the Interpretation of Section 5, of Marina Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2006-003 “Capitalization Requirements”
MARINA Flag Advisory Providing Updates on the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973/1978, Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships (MARPOL Annex VI)
Additional Guideline on the Processing of STCW Certificates by LMAs Pursuant to MARINA Advisory No. 2021-12, Entitled “Suspension of Expedite Processing of Applications Files through LO of LMAs
Ban on the Use of Second (Upper) Deck for Passenger Accommodation and Cargo S towage for All Motorbancas With Second (Upper) Deck
Further Deferment of the Implementation of MARINA Circular No. 2016-01 on the Revised Rules on the Mandatory Passenger Insurance Coverage; Emergency assistance to Survivors of Maritime Accidents/Incidents; and Other Relevant Concerns
Extension of Validity of Existing Special Permits (SPs) Issued under MC No. 2011-04 for the Temporary Utilization of Foreign-Registered Ships within National Territory
Guidelines for the Issuance of Department of Finance (Dof) Endorsement to Avail of VAT Exemption Granted Under Republic Act (RA) No. 9337, Amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997
Guidelines on the Issuance of STCW Related Certificates, Conduct of Training, Examination and Assessment in Accordance to Resolution No. 147 Series of 2021 by the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (MEID)
Department of Justice(DOJ) Opinion on the Validity of the Provincial Ordinance No. 28, Series of 2015, Entitled “An Ordinance for the Provincial Coast Watch Surveillance and Environment Monitoring In the Province of Zambales for the Implementation of A Vessel Traffic Service System”
Regulations on Energy Efficiency for Ships (Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII)) and IMO’s Strategy in Reducing Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Emission
Compliance WFlag State Administrator Advisory 7ith the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992 (CLC, 1992)
Students should be taught about the historical significance of the flag and the sacrifices made by those who fought for its adoption. This knowledge is essential in nurturing a sense of patriotism and belonging. Leaders, both current and future, must understand the importance of the flag as a symbol of unity, national pride, and the struggle for freedom. By recognizing the flag’s value, they can inspire the nation to work together toward a better future.
Supplemental Information on the Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) as Required Pursuant to Memorandum Circular No. SR-2020-01
Guidelines on the Disposal of Unclaimed Certificate of Proficiency (COP), Certificate of Competency (COC) and Certificate of Endorsement (COE)
Submission of Training / Assessment Reports using the Designated MARINA Integrated Seafarer Management Online (MISMO) Account
Further Amendment of MARINA Advisory 2021-32 Extending the Coverage of Extension of Validity of Expiring SIRB for Filipino Seafarers Currently Onboarding Ships Operating Overseas
Effectivity of the 2000 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life At Sea (Solas) 1974, as Amended
Assumption By MARINA of TESDA Functions In the Conduct of assessment and Certifications of Seafarers In the Ratings Category
Approved Standard for Sea Travel Protocols under the Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine in NCR+ and Other Selected Areas
List of Approved IMO Resolutions/Circulars Approved Amendments on the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) during the 97th and 98th Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) Sessions
Joint Statement of the World Health Organization and the International Maritime Organization on the Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak and Guidance on Operational Considerations for Managing the Disease Onboard Ships
Rules and Regulations Implementing the Documentary Stamp Tax Rate Adjustment Under Republic Act No. 10963, Otherwise Known as the “Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law
Advisory on Matters Relating to Issue of Certificates of Competency and Certificate of Proficiency Issued to Seafarers In the Philippines In Compliance With the Requirements of STCW Convention, as Amended In 2010
Guidelines on STCW Related Activities during the Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine in NCR and Some Areas Beginning August 23 to August 31, 2021
Provisional Extension of Validity of Training Course Approval and Accreditation of Assessment Centers during Enhanced Community Quarantine due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Submission of Post-Enhanced Community Quarantine Operation Plan
Safety Precaution on the Movement of Merchant Marine Vessels and Fishing Vessels Within the Falling Area of the Satellite Kwangmyongsong – 3
Addendum to MARINA Advisory Nos. 2020-26 and 2020-27 on the Provisional Extension of SIRB/SRB Validity for Seafarers Currently Onboard Ships Operating in Both Domestic and Overseas Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
Further Extension of Validity of STCW Certificates of Filipino Seafarers Currently Serving Onboard Seagoing Ships Amid Challenges Caused by COVID-19
Optimized Capacity of Passenger Vessels in relation to the Standards under MA 2020-29 and MA 2020-35 to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 Pandemic
Observance of Precautionary Measures during Tropical Depression, Storm or Typhoon in the Philippine Area of Responsibility
Amendment to MARINA Advisory No. 2016-11 S. 2016 Entitled “MARINA’s Search for Outstanding Maritime Entities / Individuals (TIMonEL AWARD PROGRAM)”
Suspension of the Implementation of MARINA Advisory 2023-18 on the Clarification on the Safe Carriage of Non-Paying Passengers by LCT Cargo Vessels Operating in the Domestic Trade
Implementation of Fees and Charges Prescribed Under Marina Memorandum Circular No. 2008-04 Which Provides the “Revised Rules on the Issuance of Enhanced Seafarer’s Identification and Record Book”
Marina Circular 2009-01 on the “Rules Governing the Manda tory Marine Insurance to Cover Legal Liabilities Arising Out of Any Maritime Related Accidents”
The Somali National Flag, which turns 68 years old today, symbolizes the triumph of Somali youth, led by SYL, against colonial oppression. October 12, 1954, remains a memorable day when the blue flag with a star, representing the dignity of the people, was unfurled.
Registration of Filipino Seafarers Scheduled for Deployment within the Next 90 Days to the Vaccination Program of the Government
The national flag of Gambia consists of three horizontal stripes of red, blue, and green that are separated by thin bands of white. The blue stripe represents ...
Reiteration of Acceptable Equivalent Documentary Requirement for the Issuance of Seafarer’s Identification Book (SIB) and Certificate of Marine Profession CMP) License under Section II, Item No. 9, MARINA Advisory No. 2013-16
International Maritime Organizations (IMO) Safety of Navigation 1/Circular 263 Dated 23 October 2007 on the Guidelines Set forth Under Section 1.9 and 1.14 on Routing Measures Other Than Traffic Separation Schemes
Guiding Principles (Step-based Approach) Developed by International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) regarding Surveys and Renewals of Certificates during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Mogadishu, (SONNA) - The Minister of Public Works, Reconstruction and Housing of the Federal Government of Somalia, H.E Abdisalan Ali…
Interpretation on the Equivalence for the Conduct of Assessment of Competence and Issuance of Notice of Passing Pursuant to MC No. MD-2020-02 and MC No. MD-2020-03
Reiteration of Security Measures to Combat Terrorism as Embodied In Flag State Administration Advisory Nos. 18, 27, 34, 50 & 51
Marina Circular No. 2011-03 – Revised Rules and Regulations to Implement the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing In Domestic Shipping
New Sailing Direction for the Changhua Wind Farm Channel from the Maritime and Port Bureau (MPB) of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Republic of China (Taiwan)
Recognized Security Organizations In the Implementation of the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code
Transfer of the Seafarer’s Certification and Documentation Division (SCDD) of the Manpower Development Service (Mds), Maritime Industry Authority (Marina) to Sm City Manila
Guidelines on the Compulsory Insurance Coverage for Passengers under Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) and General Community Quarantine (GCQ)
Immediate Compliance to the Letter Directive of the Administrator during Emergency Situations such as Severe Weather Disturbance and other Natural Calamities
Clarification/Reitaration of STCW Advisory No. 2019-05 on the Implementation of STCW Circular No. 2018-02 entitled “Standards for Mandatory Training Courses under STCW Convention, 1978, as amended
Removal of Validity / Expiration Date on the Issuance of Certificate of Marine Profession (CMP) Pursuant to Marina Circular No. 2012-03
2015 Amendments to the International Safety Management (Ism) Code for the Safe Operations of Ships and for Pollution Prevention
Effectivity of the 2001 and 2002 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life At Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as Amended
Adjusted/Modified Fees on Flag State Administration Oversight Functions under MARINA Circular (MC) No. MS-2020-02 during the Period of Public Health Emergency due to COVID-19
Suspension of MARINA Circular NO. 2017-05 (Revised Rules and Regulations on the Implementation of the Manda tory and Other Services on-Board Ships Carrying Passengers In the Inter-Island Shipping Trade)
Coverage of Memorandum Circular No. 2007-01 on the Double Hull Requirements for Tankers Carrying Heavy Grade Oil and Other Persistent Oils
Registration of All Entities Engaged In Shipbreaking / Recycling as Hazardous Waste Genera tor In Accordance With the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Department Administrative Order (DAO) 2013-22
Interim Guidance to Private Maritime Security Companies Providing Privately-Contracted Armed Security Personnel onboard Ships In the High Risk Area
Change of Contact Details under MARINA Advisory No. 2017-03 in Response to Urgent Requests, Applications or Filing of Reports Involving Philippine-Registered Ships During Weekends, Non-Working Days and After Office Hours
Extension of Validity of Expiring and Expired MARINA Accreditation Certificates issued pursuant to MARINA Circular Nos. 186, DS-2020-02 and 2006-003
Implementing Guidelines of the DO No. 2020-007 Directing All Shipping Lines to provide Cargo Space Allocation for Agricultural and Food Products and Providing for Preferential Cargo Rates Therefor
Guidelines on the Implementation for the Airing of the Four (4)-Minute Video on Marine Plastic Litter for Passenger Vessels
MARINA Circular(MC) 2016-01 on the Revised Rules on the Mandatory Passenger Insurance Coverage; Emergency assistance to Survivors of Maritime Accidents/Incidents; and Other Relevant Concerns
All Owners/Operators of Motorboats/Motorbancas Carrying Passengers and Operating within the Iloilo-Guimaras Route and Vice-Versa
Extension of the Submission Annual Audited Financial Statements of Philippine Overseas Shipping Companies and other Maritime Entities for Year 2019
Prohibition on the Showing of Films and Programs With Excessive Violence Ans Sexual Content on-Board Passenger / Passenger Cargo Ships Operating In the Domestic Trade
Annex D: Resolution MSC.413 (97) – Amendments to the Introduction and Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 is Code)
Guidelines for Inspection and Maintenance of Mooring Equipment Including Lines (MSC 1/ Circ. 1620) and Guidelines on the Design of Mooring Arrangements and the Selection of the Appropriate Mooring Equipment and Fittings for Safe Mooring (MSC 1/ Circ. 1619)
Annex E: Resolution MSC.414 (97) – Amendments to the Introduction and Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 is Code)
Suspension of MARINA Circular No. 2015-12 “Revised Rules on the Issuance/Renewal of Coastwise Licenses(CWL) / Bay and River License (BRL) / Commercial Yacht License (CYL)”
Presidential Directive to Tighten Security Measures In All Airports, Seaports and Bus and Mass Transport Terminals and Station
Guidelines on the Submission of Practical Assessment Reports, Issuance of Certificate of Passing the Practical Assessment and other Related Matters
Reiteration of MARINA Circular No. 2015-02 entitled “Rules to Govern this Installation and Implementation of Automatic Identification System (AIS) of Passenger Ships 300GT and Above and Cargo Ships 500GT and Above”
Mogadishu, (SONNA) - The National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) apprehended three militants linked with the Al-Shabaab terrorists who had…
The display of the flag by the SYL was a pivotal moment in Somali history. After much debate, both supporters and opposition members agreed on the design by Mohamed Awale Liban. Abdulkadir Ali Boolay, a leader of SYL, recalled the unanimous decision to adopt this flag at their central headquarters.
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Additional Protocols on Minimum Passenger Service Standards under MC 134. 65/65A and MS 2018-18 to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 Pandemic
Guidance on the Implementation of Marina Memorandum Circular (Mc) No. 159, Otherwise Known as the National Safety Management Code
Issuance of Special Permit for Operation of Domestic Ships Exclusively in the Brunei Darussalam – Indonesia – Malaysia – Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) Routes
Strict Implementation of the Online Appointment System (OAS) for the Seafarer Record Book (SRB) and Seafarer Identification Document (SID) System
Part A – Course Framework Part B – Course Outline Part C – Course Syllabus Part D – Instructor’s Guide Part E – Course Assessment
Annex A: Certificate of Passing the Practical Assessment Annex B: Practical Assessment Anecdotal Record (PAAR) Annex C: Results of Assessment (ROA) Annex D: Summary Report of Assessment Annex E: Monthly Schedule of Assessment
Further Amendment of MARINA Advisory No. 2020-43 on the Provisional Extension of SIRB/SRB Validity for Seafarers Currently Onboard Ships Operating in Both Domestic and Overseas Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
Guidelines on the Implementation of Remote Inspection/ Re-Inspection Relative to the Conduct of Course Approval of Maritime Training Institutions (MTIs) and Other MARINA-Authorized Training Providers (OMATPs) and Accreditation of Assessment Centers (ACs), including the conduct of Monitoring and Surveillance Activities
Adoption and Implementation of Equivalency on the Revalidation of Certificate of Competency (COC) for Seafarers having Performed Functions considered to be Equivalent to the Seagoing Service required in Paragraph 1.1 in compliance to Paragraph 1.2 of Section A-I/11 of the STCW Convention 1978, as amended
Guidelines for Applicants who intend to be Accredited as Recognized Organizations Pursuant to MARINA Circular No. 2018-01
COMELEC Resolution No. 10022 Dated 03 December 2015 “In the Matter of Deputizing Certain Departments Under the Executive Branch, Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations and Financial Institutions In Connection With the May 09, 2016 National and Local Elections
Conduct of Mandatory Insulation Resistance Test and Submission of Test Results on all Electrical Machineries and Electrical Wirings onboard Steel Hulled Passenger Ships
Final Notice for the Submission of Ship-Specific Implementation Plan (SIP) Pursuant to MC No. SR-2020-06 and Advisory No. 2021-58
Pilot Testing of the Enhanced Special Processing Window / Express Lane (E-SPWEL) Involving Applications From Ship Acquisition Up to the Issuance of Certificate of Public Convenience
Reiteration of MARINA Advisories on the Observance of Precautionary Measures during Tropical Depressions, Typhoon or Storm
Notice of Strict Adherence to Ship Security Plan, Risk Mitigation Measures and Best Management Practices in the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden
Amendment to MARINA Advisory No.2020-48 Extending the Coverage of Expiring SIRB/SRB for Seafarers Currently Onboard Ships Operating Both in Domestic and Overseas during COVID-19 Pandemic
Aug 22, 2024 — August 22, 2024 - September 14, 2024 - Half-Staff Alert - Pennsylvania ... The flags shall be lowered to half-staff until sunset on the date of ...
Designation of Maritime Marshals and Reiteration of Security Measures onboard Passenger and Passenger-Cargo Ships In the Domestic Trade
UN Security Council Note Verbale SCA/4/18(16) dated 14 September 2018 concerning the Ships of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)
It’s crucial for Somalis to recognize the significance of the flag, as it represents their nation. Patriotic education in schools can play a pivotal role in instilling a sense of national pride and appreciation for the flag, its history, and the sacrifices made for freedom. The flag and its history should be valued, especially by leaders who have shaped Somalia’s destiny. It’s a reminder of the struggle for freedom and the unity of the nation.
Guidelines Relative to the Training and Processing of Certificates for Seafarers Serving the Domestic Ships and the Issuance of Seafarer’s Record Book (SRB) and Seafarer’s Identity Document (SID) during the Enhanced Community Quarantine
Safety Precaution on the Re-Scheduled Stsat-2 Launch Aboard Korea Space Launch Vehicle-1(Klsv-1) Between 15 to 30 November 2012
Withdrawal of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping’s (RMRS) Membership of International Association of Classification Societies (IACS)
Revised Procedure for Urgent Requests, Applications Or Filing of Reports Involving Philippine-Registered Ships During Weekends, Non-Working Days and After office Hours
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Bujumbura, (SONNA) - The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H.E Hassan Sheikh Mohamud arrived in Bujumbura, the Republic…
Additional Precautionary Measures to Ensure the Safety of Filipino Seafarers Onboard Ships Engaged in International Voyages
Re-Issuance / Replacement of Major Patron / Minor Patron / Boat Captain and Marine Diesel Mechanic Licenses Issued Before October 2012
Authority of the Undersecretary for Maritime Transport, DOTC and Officer-In-Charge, Marina to Appoint Pole Star as Application Service Provider (ASP) and Data Center for Long-Range Identification and Tracking(LRIT) of Ships
Further Extension of the Implementation of Marina Advisory No. 2013-16, Series of 2013, Until 31 December 2015 on the Nationwide Marina Mobile Registration, Documentation and Franchising of Motorbancas and Fishing Boats Below 35 Gross tons; and Licensing of Seafarers Manning Such Ships
Adoption of Master’s Undertaking format Pursuant to Marina Advisory No. 2013-14 “Recall of Marina Advisory No. 2013-13 Re Clarification on the Issuance of Special Permit to Carry Dangerous / Hazardous Cargos Or Goods In Packaged form
The words of the national anthem, such as those sung by the late Abdullahi Qarshe, capture the essence of the flag beautifully. They resonate with the people’s love for their homeland, their aspirations for unity, and their commitment to safeguarding their nation’s dignity.
Further Extension of the Revalidation Period for STCW Certificates as a Temporary Contingency Measure Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
Revised Schedule of Release for Regular Applications for the Issuance of the Seafarers Identification and Record Book (SIRB)
Extension of Reglementary Period for Filing of Motions for Reconsideration, Appeals, Petitions and Other Relevant Pleadings in All Pending Cases
Annex A: Resolution MSC.409 (97) – Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended
Warning on the Dangers of Straying In to the Territorial Waters of Indonesia and Sulawesi Sea and Prohibition of Illegal Fishing
After lengthy discussions and negotiations, the Italian administration, which governed southern Somalia at the time, ultimately accepted the blue flag with a white star in the center. This marked the victory of the Somali people’s struggle for a symbol that represented their unity and aspirations for freedom.
Continuation of Implementation of the Conduct of Certificate of Marine Profession (CMP) Licensure Examination and Issuance of License
Further Amendment of MARINA Advisory 2020-67 on Extending the Coverage of Expiring SIRB/SRB for Seafarers currently Onboard Ships Operating both in Domestic and Overseas
Strict Implementation of the Requirement for Submission of NBI Clearance Valid for one Year for Applications for the Issuance of SIRB
Seafarer-related Guidelines view of the Declaration of the Enhanced Community Quarantine in the Entire Luzon and Other Areas
Submission of Notice to Marina Whenever A Ship Intends to Pass Through the Coast of Somalia Or Gulf of Aden Or Horn of Africa Or Areas of Enhanced Risk
Submission of Cargo Statement Report and Compliance with all of the Provisions of RA 9483, its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) and the OPMFC Circular No. 2021-01
Annex C: Resolution MSC.411 (97) – Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
The Somali National Flag is not just a piece of colored cloth; it’s a living testament to the resilience, determination, and unity of the Somali people. It signifies a nation’s journey from colonial oppression to self-determination, from division to unity. The flag serves as a unifying force for a diverse nation and a source of inspiration for generations to come.
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Guidelines In the Implementation of Marina Circular No. 2009 – 05 – Legalization of Unregistered Motor bancas Operating In the Philippine Waters
Somali National News Agency established in 1964. It is one of the main pillars of the Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism.
Annex I – Deck Management Level Annex II – Deck Operational Level Annex III – Engine Management Level Annex IV – Engine Operational Level Annex V – GMDSS Radio Operator Annex VI – Electro- Technical Officers
Initial List of Missionary Routes Pursuant to Section 10, Rule Iv of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9295
Application on the Issuance of Certificate of Competency (COC) of all Officer-Seafarers already assessed by the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC)
Introduction and Use of Reclining Seats In the Second Class Air-Conditioned Passenger Accommodation of Passenger-Carrying Ships Engaged In the Domestic Trade
Pilot Testing of A Special Processing Window / Express Lane (SPWEL) Involving Applications From Ship Acquisitions From Ship Acquisition and the Issuance of Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC)
Recognized Organizations With a Memorandum of Agreement With the Maritime Industry Authority on the Performance of Statutory Certification and Services For Philippine Companies and their Philippine-Registered Ships Under MARINA Circular No. 2018-01
Reiteration of Flag State Administration Advisory No. 027, Series of 2002 on the Additional Measures to Ensure the Safety and Security of Our Ships, their Passengers and Cargoes
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2011 Entry In to force of the Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life At Sea (Solas 74), as Amended and International Conventions for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships (MARPOL) 73/74
Advisory on Matters Relating to IMO’s MSC.1-Circ.1560 on Matters Where Seafarer’ Documentation Was Not In Accordance With the Requirements of the 2010 Manila Amendments to the STCW Convention, Recommending Port State Control Authorities to Take A Pragmatic and Practical Approach During Inspections and to Notify the Ships, Seafarers and Administrations Concerned Accordingly
Prohibition on the Use of Second-Hand Mild Steel Plates In the Construction and Repair of Structural Members of All Philippine Registered Ships
The celebration of October 12, the Day of the Somali Flag, is not just an annual event; it’s a timeless tribute to the nation’s history and the enduring spirit of its people. As Somalia progresses into the future, may the flag always serve as a beacon of hope, unity, and national pride, reminding all Somalis of their shared journey toward a brighter tomorrow.
Reports on Marine Casualties and Incidents Compliance of All Philippine Registered Ships Operating/Trading In International Waters to Observe the Rule In Flying the National Colors
Deferment of Implementation of MARINA Circular No. 2016-01 on the Revised Rules on the Mandatory Passenger Insurance Coverage; Emergency assistance to Survivors of Maritime Accidents / Incidents; and Other Relevant Concerns
Adoption of Measures for Heightened Awareness and Prevention of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome – Corona Virus (MERS-COV)
Issuance of Provisional Authority Certificate for Training Programs to Be Accredited Under MARINA Memorandum Circular No. 174, Series of 2002
Procedural Documentary Requirements for Expedite Processing of Seafarer’s Record Book (SRB) and Seafarer’s Identification Document (SID) amid COVID-19 Pandemic
Suspension of the Requirement for Tugboats and Barges to Secure Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) Under the 2014 Amendments to the Revised Rules and Regulations Implementing Republic Act (RA) 9295
Additional Measures Re: Revised Schedule of Release for Regular Applications for the Issuance of the Seafarers Identification and Record Book (SIRB)
Summary of Most Important International Maritime Organization (IMO) and International Labour Organization (ILO) Requirements Entering In to force From 1st of July 2015 to 1st of July 2018 Inclusive
Further Amendment of MARINA Advisory No. 2020-91 on Extending the Coverage of Expiring SIRB/SRB for Seafarers currently Onboard Ships Operating Both in Domestic and Overseas
Implementation of Rule Iv, Item 5 of Marina Circular No. 2009-10 “Revised Rules on the Issuance of Enhanced Seafarer’s Identification and Record Book (SIRB)”
Termination/Cancellation on the Issuance of the STCW Certificate of Endorsement (COE) in the Certification of Filipino Seafarers who serve the Capacity as Marine Deck and Marine Engine Officers
Clarification on Management Level Courses, Tanker Courses, Security Related Courses, and Service as Cadet/Ratings Under Training, In Relation to Certification
Deferment of the Implementation of Marina Memorandum Circular No. 190 (Rules on the Progressive / Gradual Phase-Out of Woodenhulled Ships In the Domestic Trade)
JOINT CIRCULAR No. 01 – Guidelines for the Establishment of the Philippines Green Lane to Facilitate the Speedy and Safe Travels of Seafarers, Including their Safe and Swift Disembarkation, and Crew Change During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Further Extension of Statutory Certification and Services as a Temporary Contingency Measure during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Reiteration of the Transitory Provision of MARINA Circular No. 2019-01, “Rules and Regulations in the Issuance of Seafarer’s Record Book (SRB) and Seafarer’s Identity Document (SID)
Notice to Military Escalation Threatening Commercial Vessels in the Black Sea, Sea of Azov, Kerch Strait and the Red Sea
Grant of Provisional Relief In the form of A Temporary Authority to Operate Pending Resolution of the Application for Issuance of Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9295
Certificate of Passing In Lieu of MARINA License In the Application for the Issuance of Domestic-Certificate of Competency (DCOC)
Further Extension of MARINA Advisory No. 2021-06 on the Amnesty Period for the Registration of Undocumented Recreational Boats
Updating of the Basic Safety Training and Instruction Curriculum In Compliance With the Requirements of the 2010 STCW Manila Amendments
Implementation of MARINA Circular (MC) No. 2016-01 on the Revised Rules on the Mandatory Passenger Insurance Coverage; Emergency Assistance to Survivors of Maritime Accidents/ Incidents and Other Relevant Concerns
On June 26, 1960, this flag flew high from the freedom pole in Hargeisa as the northern regions broke away from British colonialism. Just four days later, on July 1, 1960, southern Somalia followed suit, breaking free from Italian colonial rule. These regions united to form the Republic of Somalia, making the flag a powerful symbol of this unity.
Moratorium on the Accreditation of Classification Societies and Entities for the Purpose of Classification of Ships in the Domestic Trade
Precautionary Measures on Protective Coating and Corrosion Prevention of Ship’s Hull and Other Components in the Philippine Waters
Temporary Suspension of the Limitation Under Marina Memorandum Circular No. 2011-04 for Highly Specialized foreign Registered Ships Operating In the National Terri tory.
This flag sports the cross design of Iceland and is made from a quality polyester material that makes the colours vivid and eye-catching. In addition, it is ...
Qualification Document Certificate (QDC) Requirement of All Domestic – Going Seafarers With Watchkeeping Duties, their Required Trainings and the Training Requirements of Ship Personnel Other Than the officers and Crew With Watchkeeping Duties
Additional Requirements Under MARINA Advisory No. 20017-01 Pertaining to the Application for Authority to Allow Marine Surveyors, Supercargoes, Shipowner Representatives and other Persons On-board Ships in the Domestic Trade
Extension of the Deadline for Obtaining the Necessary Security Related Trainings and Certificates Required Under Regulation Vi/6 of the STCW Convention 1978, as Amended.
Guidelines for the granting of Clearance for Foreign-Registered Vessels to Operate in Philippine Territorial Waters issued by the National Security Council
Guidance on the Implementation of Marina Memorandum Circular (Mc) No. 179 on the Issuance on the Minimum Safe Manning Certificate for Philippine-Registered Ships/Fishing Vessels Operating In Philippine Waters Or Temporarily Utilized In Overseas Trade/International Waters
Reiteration of the Submission of the Ship-specific Implementation Plan under Memorandum Circular SR-2020-06 by Philippine Registered Ships in the Domestic Trade
Guidelines on the Resumption of Operation of Passenger Ships in Areas under General Community Quarantine (GCQ) and Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ)
Relaxation of Shipping Schedules in Matnog-Allen Routes during Barangay Sangguiniang Kabataan Election 2023, All Saints Day and All Souls Day 2023
Reiteration of MARINA Circular No. 2015-02 on the Continual Operation of the Automatic Identification System (AUS) Onboard Ships)
International Maritime Organization (IMO) Circular Letter No. 4204/Add.1 on COVID-19 – Implementation and Enforcement of Relevant IMO Instruments
Moratorium In the Implementation of the New Training Requirements Under Marina Circular (MC) No. 2012-04 on the Issuance of Domestic Certificate of Competency (D-COC)
Authentic Flag Designs As Supplied to the United Nations N.Y. Headquarter -Outdoor flags have strong canvas headings and grommets -100% nylon on 2x3' and ...
Pilot Testing of Marina on Line Appointment System for Processing of Seafarers Identification and Record Book (SIRB) and STCW Certificates
Amendment to STCW Advisory No. 2019-08 Extending Further the Deadline to Complete and Pass the Assessment of Competence of Seafarers under STCW Circular Nos. 2014-08 to 2014-13, 2016-13 and 2016-17 (Old System)
Guidelines on the Resumption of Operations of Shipbuilding, Ship Repair, Boatbuilding, Afloat Ship Repair/ Service Contractors, Shipbreaking Entities in Areas under General Community Quarantine (GCQ)
Further Deferment of the Implementation of MARINA Circular(MC) No. 2016-01 on the Revised Rules on the Mandatory Passenger Insurance Coverage; Emergency assistance to Survivors of Maritime Accidents/Incidents; and Other Relevant Concern
Further Amendment of MARINA Advisory No. 2016-08 on the Revised Procedure for Urgent Requests, Applications Or Filing of Reports Involving Philippine-Registered Ships During Weekends, Non-Working Days and After office Hours
Suspension of the Requirement for Tugboats and Barges to Secure Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) Under the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (Ra) 9295
DES MOINES, IOWA (KWWL) - Governor Kim Reynolds has extended the order of all flags being lowered at half-staff until sunset on Thursday.
Safety Precaution on the Movement of Merchant Marine Vessels and Fishing Vessels Within the Falling Areas of the Rescheduled Stsat-2 Launch Aboard Korea Space Launch Vehicle-1(Kslv-1)
Guidance on the Status of Accreditation of Classification Societies and its Effect on the Validity of Ship Safety Certificates
Moratorium on the Accreditation of Assessment Center and Approval for the Conduct of Assessment of Competency in National Capital Region (NCR) and Region VII
Revocation of Licenses for Major Patron (Map), Minor Patron (MIP), Boat Captain (BC) and Marine Diesel Mechanic (MDM) Bearing the Scanned Signatures of the Marina Administrator
COVID-19 Related Guide in Establishing Safety Control Measures and Reducing Risk and Ensuring a Safe Shipboard Interface Between Ship and Shore-based Personnel
Home to Blue Flag and Green Coast Award in Ireland.
Safety Precaution on the Movement of Merchant Marine Vessels and Fishing Vessels Within the Falling Areas of Stsat-2 Launch Aboard Korea Space Launch Vehicle-1(Kslv-1)
Additional Requirements for Newly Acquired Ships for Domestic Operation, Whose Operation In the Country of Origin Is Limited to Smooth Water
Regulations under the Technical Code on Control of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines (NOx Technical Code 2008), as amended
Lifting of the Moratorium on the Acceptance of Applications for the Approval of Maritime Training Courses and Assessment Centers
Special Authority to Operate Passenger and/ Or Cargo Liner Vessels During Christmas and New Year Holidays From December 22-31, 2001 to 01 January 2002
Control Measures on Conducting In-Water Hull Cleaning while the Ship is at Sea in all Areas within in the Philippine Waters
Procedures on Conformance Testing on Shipborne Equipment for Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) of Ships and the Process of Securing Conformance Test Report (Certificate) for Philippine Registered Ships Engaged In International Voyages
This high quality NFL flag is constructed of polyester and is 3'x5' in size. The design is viewable from both sides, with the back side being a reverse ...
Seafarers Identification and Record Book (SIRB) With Shipping Company/ Manning Agency Stickers and Identification Markers
Waiver of Marina Filing / Processing Fees for the Registration, Licensing and Franchising of Newly-Constructed Mo torbancas and/Or Fishing Boats Below 35 Gross tons to Support the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Tacloban and Other Areas In Central Visayas and Eastern Philippines Devastated By Typhoon “Yolanda”
Every time the Somali flag is raised, it should serve as a reminder of the struggles and sacrifices made to achieve and maintain the freedom it represents. Whether it’s during official ceremonies, national holidays, or in everyday life, hoisting the flag should be an act of profound respect.
Moratorium on the Requirements of Calculations for the Limitations of Ships to Wave Height under Memorandum Circular No. SR-2021-04
Measures to Ensure Safety and Orderliness of the Riding Public During the Centennial Celebration of the Iglesia Ni Cristo
Amendment of FSAA No. 57 on the Deployment/Designation of Government counterpart Maritime Marshals onboard Passenger/Passenger Cargo Ships In the Domestic Trade
Reiteration of the Obligations to Passengers in case of Cancelled, Delayed or Unfinished/Uncompleted Voyages under MARINA Circular No. 2018-07
Mandatory Registration using the Safe, Swift and Smart Passage (S-PASS) Travel Management System in All Domestic Maritime Travel
Amendment to Marina Advisory No. 2009-20 on the Revised Schedule of Release for Regular Applications for the Issuance of the Seafarers Identification and Record Book (SIRB)
Strict Observance of Schedule of Trips, Sailing Frequencies and Port Time Stay of All Vessels Operating in the Matnog-Allen Route
Reiteration of Marina Policy on Prohibition of Use of Unregistered Or Colorum Vessels or Motorized Bancas for tourism, Island Hopping Or Sightseeing Purposes
Implementation of MARINA Advisory No. 2020-51 on the Additional Information on Passenger Manifest required under MARINA Circular No. 180 for Additional Measures for Contract Tracing
Reiteration of MARINA Advisory No. 2016-18 amending the validity of Seafarer’s Identification and Record Book (SIRB) from five(5) years to ten(10) years effective 30 June 2016
Reporting of Philippine-Registered Vessels engaged in International Trade to the Administration through the Indian Ocean Regional Information Sharing (IORIS) Platform
Extension of MARINA Policies on the Reduction of Fees and Charges, Waiver of Fines and Other Monetary Penalties for Late Filing, Non-Filing or Failure to Comply with Compulsory Notification of Reportorial Requirements, and Extension of Deadlines for the Filing of Documents
Clarification on the Implementation of Philippine Fishing Vessels Safety Rules and regulations (PFVSRR) Manning Complement in the Engine Department
Reminder on the Submission of Financial Reports and the Proof of Quarterly and Monthly Common Carrier’s Tax Payments to the BIR
Coverage of Memorandum Circular No. 2007 – 01 on the Double Hull Requirements for Tankers Carrying Heavy Grade Oil and Other Persistent Oils
Guidance on the Recurring Unauthorized and Unlawful Issuance of Seafarers’ Documents and Other Administrative Decisions in the Russian-Occupied Regions of Ukraine
However, when presented to the Italian administration, they initially rejected the design, claiming similarities to the flags of Zaire and the United Nations. This caused a deadlock in the flag selection process. Liban argued that the flags were distinct, particularly in the color of the star on Zaire’s flag.
Guidelines for Seafarers entering the Republic of Panama for the Purpose of Embarkation and Repatriation as established in Executive Decree No. 1089 of 23 September 2020
Lifting of the Moratorium on the Accreditation of Classification Societies and Entities for the Purpose of Classification of Ships in the Domestic Trade
Employment of Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel onboard Philippine-Registered Ships Transiting the High Risk Area In International Waters
Suspension of Marina Memorandum Circular Nos. 171, 173 and Flag State Administration Advisory No. 30 on the Required Recurrency Training for Seafarers onboard Ships In the Domestic Trade engaged
Current Policy of the Government of Sri Lanka on foreign Ships Carrying Arms Through Sea Marshall That Will Enter the Ports of Sri Lanka
Amendment to Marina Advisory No. 2014-19 Requirement of BFAR Clearance In the Acquisition of Fishing Vessels Through Local Construction
Priority Access and Use of Ports for Ships Carrying Perishable Goods in times of National Emergencies such as Weather Disturbance, Port Congestions and Other Natural Calamities
Interpretation of Equivalence of the License Issued to Motorman, Marine Diesel Mechanic (MDM) and Marine Engine Mechanic (MEM) and Validity of the Certificate of Marine Profession (CMP)
Suspension of the Conduct of Marina Licensure Examinations for Harbor Pilot, Major Patron (Map), Minor Patron (MIP), Boat Captain (BC) and Marine Diesel Mechanic (MDM)
Extension of Validity of STCW Certificates of Filipino Seafarer Onboard Vessel who are Affected of the Rising Tension in the Middle East and Outbreak of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus
The Joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign of Regional Port State Control on STCW Hours of Rest From 01 September 2014 to 30 November 2014
Optional Imposition of Additional Passenger Insurance Beyond the Mandatory Passenger Insurance Under 2014 Amendments to Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 9295
Today marks the 69th anniversary of the adoption and display of the Somali flag, created by the late Mohamed Cawale Liban, a day of great significance for the Somali people. This national day is a cherished reminder of the struggle for independence and the importance of this emblem.
Nationwide Marina Mobile Registration, Licensing, Documentation and Franchising of Motorbancas and Fishing Boats Below 35 Gt
Crowd/Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training on Passenger and Ro-Ro Passenger Ships and Training on Deck and Engine Watchkeeping
Djibouti, (SONNA) - The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H.E Hassan Sheikh Mohamud arrived in Djibouti for an…
Modifying Marina Advisory No. 2012-14, Series of 2012 Imposing A Moratorium on the Accreditation of New Training Courses
IMO Circular Letter No. 3697 on Amendments to the SOLas 1974, IGF Code, 1994 HSC Code, 2000 HSC Code, LSA Code and IMSBC Code
Relevant Information on the Implementation on the Use of Digital Certificate for the Issuance of Certificate of Proficiency (COP) and Certificate of Competency
Additional Security Measure to Ensure the Safety and Security of Filipino Seafarers Onboard Ships Within the Vicinity of the Conflict Area
Extension N of Provisional Authority to Conduct Written and Practical assessment At the Maritime assessment Centers (Macs)
Extending the Coverage of Expiring SIRB/SRB for Seafarers Currently Onboard Ships and Ashore Operating both in Domestic and Overseas
Streamlining of Post Approval Documents Prior to Clearance for Ships Registration Under Philippine Flag of the Domestic Shipping Service
Reiteration of STCW Mandatory Courses and other Requirements in the Issuance and Revalidation of Certificate of Competency (CoC) and Certification of Proficiency (CoP) in Accordance with the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended
Further Amendment of MARINA Advisory 2022-18 Extending the Coverage of Extension of Validity of Expiring SIRB for Filipino Seafarers currently Onboard Ships Operating Both Domestic and Overseas
Recall of Marina Advisory No. 2013-13 Re: Clarification on the Issuance of Special Permit to Carry Dangerous/Hazardous Cargoes Or Goods In Packaged form
Mora torium on Accreditation/Renewal of Accreditation of Manufacturers/Suppliers/Servicing Entities of Life-Saving and Other Safety-Related Appliances/Equipment
Additional Guidelines on the Revalidation of Certificate of Proficiency (COP) Issued Under Regulation VI/1, VI/2 and VI/3, and in accordance with Sections A-VI/1, A-VI/2 and A-VI/3 of the 2010 Manila Amendments to the STCW Convention
Conduct of the “Train the Simula tor Trainer and assessor Course” (IMO Model Course 6.10) By the Maritime Industry Authority (Marina) and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), In Cooperation With the Maritime Academy of asia and the Pacific (MAAP).
New Package of Discounts and Incentives on the Fees for Crossing Suez Canal and Visiting Egyptian ports by Foreign Vessels
Amendments to the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo, Stowage and Securing (CSS Code) (MSC 1/ Circ. 1623) and Amendments to the Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargo, 2011 (2011 TDC Code) (MSC 1/ Circ. 1624)
Revocation of MARINA Advisory No. 2017-22 on Revised Guidelines for the Issuance of Department of Finance (DOF) Endorsement to Avail of VAT Exemption granted under Republic Act (RA) No. 9337, amending the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997
Compliance to the Amendments to MARPOL Annex I, form B of the Supplement to the International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPPC)
Identified Gateway Ports Relevant to the Issuance of Special Permit for Operation of Domestic Ships Exclusively in the Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) Routes
Extension of the Implementation of MARINA Advisory No. 2021-59, “Provision of 30% Discount for the Annual Tonnage Fee (ATF) FY 2021”
Guidelines on the Encoding of Relevant Information in the MARINA Integrated Seafarers Management Online (MISMO) System Relative to Education
Implementing Guidelines of Republic Act No. 9049 providing benefits and priveledges for a medal of valor awardee, his/her widow/wisower and/or dependents, as the case may be, relative to utilization of transportation services anywhere in the country
Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Security-Related Training and Instruction for All Seafarers, Under Regulation Vi/5 and Vi/6 of the STCW 1978, as Amended
1. IMO Circular Letter No. No.4221/ Add.5, 02 July 2020 2. IMO Circular Letter No.4230/ Add.9, 01 July 2020 3. IMO Circular Letter No.4283/ Add.1, 01 July 2020 4. IMO Circular Letter No.4204/ Add.22/Rev.1 5. IMO Circular Letter No.4251/ Add.1, 26 June 2020 6. IMO Circular Letter No.4228/ Add.3 , 22 June 2020 7. IMO Circular Letter No.4305, 18 June 2020 8. IMO Circular Letter No.4232/ Add.4, 16 June 2020 9. IMO Circular Letter No.4272/ Add.1, 05 June 2020 10. IMO Circular No.4231/ Add.5, 19 May 2020 11. IMO Circular No.4293, 21 May 2020
Suspension of the Requirement of Marina to Submit Quarterly Report of Finances and Operations Under Section 8(8.6.2), Rule III of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (RIRR) of Republic Act (Ra) No. 9295
Mandatory Submission of Certification from the Local Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) or Concerned Office/Unit of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) on Compliance to Tree and/or Mangrove Planting for All MARINA-Registered Shipyards per Executive Order No. 26, Series of 2011
Extension of Operation for Some Single Hull Tankers / Barges; Penalty for Noncompliance; Memorandum Circular No. 2007-001
Revised Guidelines for the Issuance of Dept. of Finance (Dof) to Endorsement to Avail of Vat Exemption Granted Under Republic Act No. 9337, Amending the National International Revenue Code of 1997