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why areflags at half masttoday near charlotte, nc
According to a news release, Governor Roy Cooper ordered all U.S. and NC flags to immediately fly at half-staff through Sunset Tuesday.
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NORTH CAROLINA (WGHP) — Flags at state facilities in North Carolina will fly at half-staff to honor NC House Representative Kelly Alexander, Jr., who died on Friday.
Flag status todayNorth Carolina
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Why areflags athalf-mast today
“I was saddened to hear of the passing of longtime public servant, civil rights advocate and North Carolina representative Kelly Alexander Jr. I’m grateful for his years of service to our state, and my thoughts and prayers are with his loved ones during this difficult time,” he said.
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Alexander graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill and represented Mecklenburg County’s 107th District since 2009. He previously served as president of the NC NAACP and on the national NAACP board.