In addition, flags at all Government of Ontario buildings and establishments in the City of Ottawa will be flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on Thursday, November 2, 2023, the day of the memorial service for the late Monique Bégin.

Flags at all Ontario government buildings and establishments across the province will be flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on Indigenous Veterans Day, Wednesday, November 8, 2023.

Flags at all Government of Ontario buildings and establishments in the City of Woodstock will be flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on July 4, 2023, the day of the funeral for Captain David Domagala, who died while on duty on June 20, 2023.

Flags on all Government of Ontario buildings and establishments in the City of Ottawa will be flown at half-mast until sunset on November 11, 2023, the day of the funeral for the late Ian Shugart who passed away on October 25, 2023.

Flags at all Ontario government buildings and establishments across the province will be flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on Remembrance Day, November 11, 2023.

Where buildings are closed for the weekend, flags may be lowered at close of business on Friday, September 22, and remain at half-mast until business resumes on Monday, September 25.

Flags will be at half-staff on the State Capitol Building and on flag displays in the Capitol Complex. Flags will also be half-staff on all public buildings, grounds and facilities throughout the state.

Additionally, flags at all Ontario government buildings and establishments in the region of the funeral will be flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on the day of the funeral.

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Flags on all Government of Ontario buildings and establishments across the province will be flown at half-mast from now until sunset on the day of the funeral (date to be determined) of the Honourable David C. Onley, 28th Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, who passed away on January 14, 2023.

2021223 — Today, flags across the state are being lowered to half-staff for five days to honor the thousands of lives lost across #Arizona and the nation ...

Individuals, businesses, schools, municipalities, counties and other government subdivisions are encouraged to fly the flag at half-staff for the same length of time as a sign of respect.

Flags on all Government of Ontario buildings and establishments across the province will be flown at half-mast until sunset on Monday, January 30, 2023, the day of the funeral of the Honourable David C. Onley, 28th Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, who passed away on January 14, 2023.

Flags on all Ontario government buildings and establishments across the province will be flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on Saturday, September 30, 2023, in observance of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

Flags on all Government of Ontario buildings and establishments in the City of Toronto, will be flown at half-mast from now until sunset on the day of the funeral or the memorial service (date to be determined) of the late John Godfrey, who passed away on December 18, 2023.

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Flags on all Ontario government buildings and establishments across the province will be flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on Sunday, September 24, 2023, in observance of Police and Peace Officers' National Memorial Day.

Flags on all Government of Ontario buildings and establishments in the City of Ottawa will be flown at half-mast from now until sunset on the day of the funeral or the memorial service (date to be determined) of the late Ian Shugart who passed away on October 25, 2023.

English: The flag of Cape Verde. Italiano: Bandiera di Capo Verde. Nederlands: Vlag van Kaapverdië (Cabo Verde). Slovenščina: ...

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Gov. Kim Reynolds has ordered all flags in Iowa to fly at half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Monday, September 9, 2024, to honor fallen Navy Fireman 1st Class Everett C. Titterington who was killed at Pearl Harbor during World War II. He was from Milford, Iowa and will be buried in Riverside National Cemetery in California.

We carry dozens of Europe flags. From Europe country flags to European organization flags, we are your source for high quality, affordable flags of Europe!

Flags at all Ontario government buildings and establishments across the province will be flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on Sunday, September 10, 2023, to mark Firefighters’ National Memorial Day.

Titterington was onboard the USS Oklahoma when it was moored at Ford Island, Pearl Harbor and capsized during multiple torpedo hits on December 7, 1941. He was 21-years-old. Scientists with the military have been using advanced technology to identify remains of sailors lost at Pearl Harbor.

Flags at all Ontario government buildings and establishments across the province will be flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on Friday, April 28, 2023, to mark the National Day of Mourning for Persons Killed or Injured in the Workplace.

Flags on all Ontario government buildings and establishments across the province will be flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on Saturday, September 30, 2023, in observance of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

Flags on all Government of Ontario buildings and establishments in the City of Ottawa will be flown at half-mast from now until sunset on Friday, September 15, for the late Monique Bégin, who passed away on September 8, 2023.

Flags at all Ontario government buildings and establishments in Eastern Ontario, are to be flown at half-mast from sunrise until sunset on Thursday, May 18, 2023, the day of the funeral of Ontario Provincial Police Sergeant Eric Mueller, who was killed on duty, May 11, 2023.

Keep it Clean. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, racist or sexually-oriented language. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. Don't Threaten. Threats of harming another person will not be tolerated. Be Truthful. Don't knowingly lie about anyone or anything. Be Nice. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism that is degrading to another person. Be Proactive. Use the 'Report' link on each comment to let us know of abusive posts. Share with Us. We'd love to hear eyewitness accounts, the history behind an article.

Where buildings are closed for the weekend, flags may be lowered at close of business on Friday, September 29, and remain at half-mast until business resumes on Monday, October 2.

Where buildings are closed for the weekend, flags may be lowered at close of business on Friday, September 29, and remain at half-mast until business resumes on Monday, October 2 or Tuesday, October 3.

Nov 3, 2022 — Transcript: Mayor Eric Adams Delivers Remarks and Raises Panamanian Flag · Consul General Elias Levy, Consulate General of Panama in New York: In ...

Flags on all Government of Ontario buildings and establishments across the province will be flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, to mark the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.

Pole Mount Dual Flag Holder is extremely rugged and is easy to attach and deploy in seconds, using heavy duty strap that attaches to all pole sizes.

Italian flags cost less and last longer from US Flag Store, the largest flag vendor in the US. Flags of Italy 3ft x 5ft from $6, stick flags from $1.8.

Flags on all Government of Ontario buildings and establishments in the City of Kingston will be flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on Friday, August 18, 2023, the day of the funeral for the Honourable Hugh Segal, former Senator, who died on August 9, 2023.

Additionally, flags on all Government of Ontario buildings and establishments across the province will be flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on February 14, 2023 only, the day of the State Funeral.

Flags at the headquarters of the Ministry of the Solicitor General, 25 Grosvenor Street, Toronto, are to be flown at half-mast until sunset on the day of the funeral (to be determined) of Ontario Provincial Police Detective-Constable Steven Tourangeau, who died while on duty May 29, 2023.

Official flag colours/Couleurs officielles du drapeau ... Using Pantone color specifications - recommended by the Canadian government. ... The SVG code is valid.

Where buildings are closed for the weekend, flags may be lowered at close of business on Friday, September 8, and remain at half-mast until business resumes on Monday, September 11.

In addition, flags on all Government of Ontario buildings and establishments in the Town of Petawawa will be returned to full-mast at sunset on July 7, 2023, the day of the memorial service for Captain Marc Larouche, who also died while on duty on June 20, 2023.

Flags on all Government of Ontario buildings and establishments across the province will be raised to full-mast at sunset Monday, August 28, 2023, to mark the end of the period of mourning for the late Honourable James K. Bartleman, who died on August 14, 2023.

Customizable and Convenient. Customize the Japanese national flag according to your needs. Choose from various distinct sizes to perfectly fit your space and ...

Flags on all Government of Ontario buildings and establishments across the province will be flown at half-mast from now until sunset on the day of the funeral (date to be determined) for the Honourable James K. Bartleman, who died on August 14, 2023.

Flags on all Government of Ontario buildings and establishments in the Town of Petawawa will be flown at half-mast from now until further notice, to mark the death of two crew members in a Royal Canadian Air Force helicopter crash on June 20, 2023.

Flags on all Government of Ontario buildings and establishments in the City of Mississauga will be flown at half-mast from now until sunset on February 14, 2023, the day of the State Funeral of Hazel McCallion, who passed away on January 29, 2023.

Flags at all Ontario government buildings and establishments across the province will be flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on Friday, June 23, 2023 to mark the National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism.