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Spinelli and other American flag retailers are working with Congress to pass the "Make American Flags in America Act," which targets online retailers that falsely claim their flags are American-made.
Our Pink Ribbon Foundation grant allows us to review all our health information and begin creating resources for groups with protected characteristics, thereby reaching as many people as possible from diverse audiences with our breast awareness message. It is our mission to educate, encourage and empower everyone, and with the support of Pink Ribbon Foundation we were able to continue our life-saving work. Thank you PRF!
The money granted to us by the Pink Ribbon Foundation is in good hands and being used to help the people of East Kent – we now have the symptomatic facilities in the UK. This will save lives!
We are thankful to the Pink Ribbon Foundation for kindly supporting our work so that we can provide practical and emotional support to women facing chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer in Norfolk and Suffolk. This funding has been vital to us developing our NHS partnerships and littlelifts community so that many more women can be supported in the years to come.
Show your support for the Pink Ribbon Foundation and support those affected by breast cancer. This stunning crystal pink ribbon brooch is fully covered with three rows of dazzling crystals in clear (diamond), pale pink and dark pink.
On behalf of nurses, patients and families we would like to thank the Pink Ribbon Foundation for their generosity in supporting our crucial services.
"We're going to see our flag industry disappear fairly quickly because there's a full-court press going on right now to take over the flag industry," Vandenbosch warned.
There are a large number of such charities in the UK, each as deserving as the next. Many of the charities supported are the smaller ones, which operate on a shoestring. The Pink Ribbon Foundation has very little infrastructure. It relies on the hard work given by Trustees, interested parties and its Patrons. This is done in order to maximise the amount, which goes to the charities that benefit from the funds raised.
Reggie Vandenbosch, of Valley Forge Flag, one of the largest U.S. manufacturers, emphasized the importance of the legislative efforts.
Julye Spinelli, owner of Saratoga Flag Company, raised concerns about the increasing number of Chinese-made flags sold in the U.S.
We are delighted to have awarded grants to many and various charities concerned with breast cancer. Any charity working in the field of breast cancer within the UK can apply.
In July, the "All-American Flag Act" was passed, requiring the federal government to purchase flags entirely made in the U.S. The act differs from the proposed "Make American Flags in America Act," which specifically addresses misleading marketing.
Thank you to the Pink Ribbon Foundation for the grant awarded to Victoria’s Promise to help us continue our vital work. This grant enables us to continue to support and empower women by giving them the opportunity to take part in online webinars on valuable topics such as mindfulness, nutrition, sleep and weekly yoga classes, all of which make a real difference and help remove the feeling of isolation that facing a cancer diagnosis can bring.
Feedback shows that counselling has had a major impact on the ability to cope with a cancer diagnosis, its impact on lives and relationships and on levels of confidence. Our grant from the Pink Ribbon Foundation has been able to cover direct costs for providing these counselling sessions to people affected by breast cancer. Thank you!
The influx is largely due to online purchases and deceptive marketing tactics. According to the Flag Manufacturers Association of America, 94% of American flags are manufactured in the United States. Of the 6% imported, most come from China.
With a surge of American flags made overseas entering the market, consumers may not realize the impact on local manufacturers and the quality of the flags displayed.
Our ground-breaking work into prevention, diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer has seen survival rates double over the last 40 years. This would not be possible without the help of supporters such as the Pink Ribbon Foundation.
"The U.S. flag industry domestically cannot fight back. It's too huge, it's a wildfire out of control. The federal government really needs to step in," Spinelli added.
Have a look at our A to Z of Fundraising ideas leaflet. It’s full of over 100 great things to do from Aerobics and Kiss-a-thons, to Zombie parties. There’s bound to be something right up your street.
The Pink Ribbon Foundation is a grant making trust with a mission to fund projects and provide financial support to UK charities which relieve the needs of people who are suffering from, have been affected by breast cancer, or who work to advance the understanding of breast cancer and its early detection and treatment.
"We gauge it by the flags we receive for retirement. Before the lockdown, we might get one or two Chinese-made flags. Now, over 75% are made in China," Spinelli said.
A visual inspection shows the difference between the flags. American flags are made from high-quality materials and have clear labeling. In contrast, Chinese-made flags often lack proper labeling, and are made from lower-quality materials.