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The Australian National Flag was flown for the first time in September 1901 at the Exhibition Building in Melbourne, which was then the seat of the federal government.

The Australian National Flag is Australia’s foremost national symbol.  It was first flown in 1901 and has become an expression of Australian identity and pride.

Bigender people are as diverse in terms of their sexuality, presentation and pronouns as any other identity on the gender spectrum. While some bigender people move between presenting femme and presenting more butch, some present more androgynously. It’s best just to ask what someone’s gender and pronouns are if you’re not sure!

Is bigendertrans

The colonies of Australia federated to become a single Commonwealth in 1901.  That year, Australia’s first Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Sir Edmund Barton announced an international competition to design a flag for the new nation.   It attracted 32,823 entries.  Five near-identical entries were awarded equal first and the designers shared the £200 prize.

2024512 — I decided to attempt a redesign of the flag of the City of Los Angeles. The current flag's serrated tricolor is certainly distinctive, but the city seal in the ...


After the Australian National Flag, the order of precedence of flags is: national flag of other nations, state and territory flags, other Australian flags prescribed by the Flags Act 1953, ensigns and pennants.

Thin Green Line. The Thin Green Line is representative of all Federal Agents. More often than not, the Thin Green Line is attributed to the Military -- to show ...

SJ Dawson · 2017 · 51 — In contrast, ambiphilic (i.e., concurrent androphilia and gynephilia) and predominantly/exclusively gynephilic women oriented more quickly ...


Confusion developed surrounding the use of the two Australian flags.  The blue ensign was intended for official and naval purposes only and the red ensign was to be used by the merchant fleet.  However, the public also began using the red ensign on land.  In 1941, Prime Minister the Rt Hon Robert Menzies issued a press statement recommending the flying of the blue ensign as a national emblem.  The Flags Act 1953 ended confusion about which ensign to use.

The bigender flag is made up of two different pink stripes, two different blue stripes, two lilac stripes and a white stripe in the center. Similar to the transgender flag, the use of traditionally gendered colors like pink and blue represent male and female, with lilac and white representing the mixture between male and female. The white stripe is included in all flags under the non-binary umbrella, and it’s generally interpreted to symbolise being without gender or not identifying in the traditional gender binary.

An amendment to the Flags Act 1953 was passed in 1998 to ensure that the Australian National Flag can be changed only with the agreement of the Australian people

Bigender is generally considered to exist under the non-binary umbrella, because it doesn’t fit into either the traditional boxes of ‘man’ and ‘woman’. Bigender is also called a ‘multigender’ identity, because it encompasses multiple genders at the same time. It also comes under the broader trans umbrella, because children are generally not assigned as ‘bigender’ at birth on their birth certificates, so it is always different to the gender assigned at birth.

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It was announced in Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No 8 of 1903 that King Edward VII approved designs for the flag of Australia, known as the Commonwealth Blue Ensign, and for the flag of the merchant navy, known as the Commonwealth Red Ensign.  The stars of the Southern Cross were simplified to four seven-pointed stars and one five pointed star.  (The 1901 design depicted the stars with a differing number of points to signify their brightness).  In 1908 a seventh point was added to the Commonwealth star to represent the Australian territories.

What isagender

The half-mast position will depend on the size of the flag and the length of the flagpole.  The flag must be lowered to a position recognisably half-mast to avoid the appearance of a flag which has accidentally fallen away from the top of the flagpole.  An acceptable position would be when the top of the flag is a third of the distance down from the top of the flagpole.

The Australian National Flag takes precedence over all national flags when it is flown in Australia or Australian territory.

CRW Flags is THE source for flags of all kinds and related items.

Flags in any locality can be flown at half-mast on the death of a local citizen or on the day, or part of the day, of their funeral.

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Bigendervs genderfluid

The Australian National Flag has three elements on a blue background: the Union Jack, the Commonwealth Star and the Southern Cross.

Bigender is a gender identity where people identify with two or multiple genders, generally feeling a mixture of masculine and feminine at the same time.

The prefix bi-, as in bisexual, means two or multiple. Bigender people identify with two or multiple genders, generally identifying with both masculinity and femininity. Some bigender people feel that they are equally masculine and feminine all the time, while others fluctuate between the two. For some, the masculine and feminine parts of themselves are very separate, while for others they co-occur in harmony with each other.


2024916 — Polysexual people are attracted to more than one gender identity or gender expression, but definitely not all of them. Because of a similar ...

The Australian National Flag flies over the Federal and State parliaments.  The flag is paraded by our defence forces and displayed around the country at sporting events and by service organisations, schools, community groups and private citizens.


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When flying the Australian National Flag with other flags, all flags in the set should be flown at half-mast. The Australian National Flag should be raised first and lowered last

The Australian National Flag should not normally be flown in a position inferior to any other flag or ensign and should not be smaller than any other flag or ensign.

The Southern Cross – occupying the second and fourth quarter, in the fly. The stars are shown in white, and they represent the constellation of five stars that ...

Some people assume that all bigender people are bisexual, but that’s not the case. Bigender people can be any sexuality, whether that’s bisexual, asexual, lesbian, sapphic, gay, queer or anything in between. Remember- gender and sexuality are two completely separate things!

When lowering the flag from a half-mast position it should be briefly raised to the peak and then lowered ceremoniously.

As the nation’s foremost symbol, the Australian National Flag should be used with respect and dignity.  These protocols are to assist you when flying or using the flag.