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Rev. Walt Garrett, associate pastor of First United Methodist Church of Benton, participated in the Old Glory Relay on Wednesday, running the flag through Benton from Caldwell Elementary up South.
Virtual. If you aren’t able to participate in-person, join us virtually! Registering for OGR as a virtual participant is a lot like registering as an in-person participant. We know. It’s not the most intuitive process, but it’s what Classy (our registration and fundraising platform) requires. View the map above and select the day you plan on completing your virtual participation. Then, follow the prompts to sign up for the virtual registration option. When your day arrives, complete your distance, snap some pics, tag us on social media with #OldGlorRelay so we can share with Eagle Nation!
In-person. View the Old Glory Relay map to pick the day (or leg) you’d like to carry Old Glory. Then, complete the registration process. Your Leg Captain will reach out to you to tell you when and where to be to help carry Old Glory. We’ll see you on the route!
During its 4,000 mile adventure, the American flag made a stop in Hohenwald, on May 14th, 2023. The community welcomed Team Red, White & Blue (Team RWB) members and staff as the Old Glory Relay wrapped up for the day in front of the courthouse.
On the other hand, demigender menas that a person has a "partial connection to a gender" and "could be more of that umbrella term," Teller explains.
“I definitely believe that there were people out there who … might have experienced identities similar to what we might define or understand as agender,” Stoller says. “Maybe they didn’t have the word agender to describe it.”
Being agender looks different for each individual, Teller says. Some agender people might identify as bigender or demigender, though they each have their own meanings.
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“Unfortunately, like many queer identities and labels, our experiences have often not been a safe thing to share in society,” she says. “What we’re seeing now is not that this is a new experience but that people are feeling freer and hopefully more hopeful to share and name that experience.”
Agendervs non binary
Absolutely! We love to have multi-day participants. If you’re interested, please email We’ll help you register for multiple days.
For much of life, Daigle-Orians felt like they were “performing gender inadequately.” But as an asexuality educator, they met a number of queer people and educators and learned that there were “a whole new range of identity labels and experiences.” They did some exploring before finding the term agender, which they started identifying as a year and a half ago.
If you aren’t able to participate in-person, join us virtually! Registering for OGR as a virtual participant is a lot like registering as an in-person participant. Simply click the link below and select the day you plan on completing your virtual participation. Then, follow the prompts to sign up for the virtual registration option. When your day arrives, complete your distance, snap some pics, tag us on social media with #OldGloryRelay so we can share with Eagle Nation!
Tire pressure, check. Rain gear, check. Safety vest, check. Sean Klope arrived at the firehouse of Douglas County Fire District No. 2 Thursday afternoon in Green, waiting for his chance to pedal with the Stars and Stripes.
The 2024 Old Glory Relay will begin in Philadelphia, PA and end in Chicago, IL. Old Glory’s making several guest appearances at key events along her route like the Yuengling Light Lager Jogger.
Some nonbinary folks feel that they move along a spectrum from male to female while others are “completely separate from it,” says Stoller. “Some people also just use the word nonbinary as gender identity and really enjoy the expansiveness of that.”
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Agender “is often a label that falls under the nonbinary gender identity umbrella,” says Kyle Teller, a public training manager at the Trevor Project.
Thanks to social media, people of various gender identities have been able to find each other and form communities, such as the agender identity.
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Team Red, White & Blue is a registered 501c3 nonprofit organization incorporated in Michigan. Team RWB's federal ID number for donations is 27-2196347.
1) ON COURSE - registrant chooses the day and location they will be participating on the course. ON COURSE participants are expected to show up to be a part of the day along the route they choose when registering.
“Anyone who’s agender can hold any sexual orientation,” she says. “They can identify with other gender labels. They can express themselves in any way. Another stereotype is if they’re agender, they may present themselves as more androgynous or more neutral attire and that’s just not really true.”
“I certainly do feel like the society pressure to adhere to … male gender norms and perform masculinity in the world,” they say. “That shows up in my relationships, that shows up my work environments.”
Registering for the Old Glory Relay is easy. Simply click the link below and select the day on the map that you’d like to run, walk, ruck, or cycle the flag. Then, select your registration level. The Leg Captain will reach out to you closer to the start of the relay to let you know when and where to be.
At times, Daigle-Orians feels they are expected to act in a gendered way, and that can feel overwhelming and contributes to a “cumulative kind of stress.”
Agender people might use gender neutral pronouns, such as they and them. But some might use she/her or him/his or neopronouns, such as xe, xir, xirs, ze, zir, zirs, for example.
“The top answer was, ‘Trusting that I know who I am,’” Teller says. “That’s what I really want to focus on — trusting that people are who they are and can name their experience.”
Teller agrees and adds that historically many agender people might have felt it was dangerous to share their gender with others.
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Teller agrees that pronoun use remains personal for most agender people. “It doesn’t necessarily mean they’re going to use they/them or other variations of gender neutral pronouns,” she says.
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“When the people in my life use my correct pronouns and steer clear of calling me ‘guy’ or ‘dude’ or other gendered terms, and they’re open and accepting about how I understand and define myself, I feel at home in the body I’m in,” they explain. “I don’t feel like I’m pushing up against some expectations about how I’m supposed to be in this body and what I’m supposed to do in it.”
Meghan Holohan is a digital health reporter for and covers patient-centered stories, women’s health, disability and rare diseases.
2) VIRTUAL - registrants will participate in their location OFF the course. Do not choose an on-course date if you will not physically be at the location listed for that day.
While Stoller believes people have identified as agender throughout history, the term agender likely emerged with the internet, when people of various gender identities could more easily find one another and communicate how they were feeling. Stoller points to an article from Medical News Today that notes the first use of agender occurred in a UseNet form in 2000.
“The one that I encounter the most is that being agender is something the kids made up in order to feel special,” they say. “The assumption is … that’s not a real thing, and what I find the hardest is the immediate dismissal.”
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A gendermeaning
What isagender
Team Elder Eagles covered more than 120 miles in fairly grueling cycling conditions Tuesday to do their portion of a nine-state, 4,000-mile, 50-day relay that will end on Armed Services Day May 20 in Atlanta.
The best way to support people in the LBGTQ+ community, including agender people, is to believe and support them when they share their identity, according to the Trevor Project’s 2024 U.S. National Survey on the Mental Health of LGBTQ+ Young People.
“The way agender really specifically differs is that it is separate completely from the gender binary of man and woman. It is an additional option,” they explain. “Agender does fall within the nonbinary umbrella. It’s … a more specific way of describing your gender to really say you don’t have a gender or that it is neutral.”
“I feel any connection to a gendered experience," Daigle-Orians explains. “Agender operates as a way for folks to describe a feeling of being outside of those gender constructs, not really being part of either or not moving between either.”
After signing up for your specific day, your leg leader will be in contact with you in regards to what miles/pace/time of day you are available to participate.
There are two ways you can participate in the Old Glory Relay — in-person by carrying the flag on the route or virtually if you aren’t able to participate in-person. Here are some more details about each option.
“There’s more possibilities to gender than just the gender binary of man and woman,” Stoller, who uses they/them pronouns, says. “The term nonbinary refers to any gender that is outside of that gender binary.”
“I was told that I was male,” the 48-year-old writer and educator from Columbus tells “I always felt like being considered a boy, being considered a man was something I did not do successfully.”
This special event will celebrate the arrival of the flag at the cities listed. Check out the locations of an official Rally Stop event near you to join in the celebration — and don’t forget to register to carry the flag using the map above!
“Agender people can use any pronouns that feel right for them,” Stoller says. “There’s no one set of agender pronouns, which I think is pretty cool because it gives people the chance to find what language makes them feel best, what makes them feel most affirmed.”
While that pushback can occur, they note that many people are empathetic and curious about what agender is, and in those situations Daigle-Orians will happily answer questions.
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“It’s a more specific kind of way of describing your gender to really say that you don’t have a gender or that it is neural, genderless,” Zoe Stoller, a social worker and educator, tells “(Agender people) don’t connect to that concept of gender.”
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"Bigender means that you have an identity that’s a combination of more than one gender,” Teller says, adding that it can be related to the term gender fluid.
Leg Captains are the individual links of the chain that make the OGR route. They are responsible for planning their days route from start to finish and ensuring all participants have a chance to carry Old Glory.
Old Glory is currently headed overseas where she will be flown by Army special operations over Operation Inherent Resolve missions in both Iraq and Syria before returning to the U.S. to be carried across the country by veterans and their supporters in the Old Glory Relay.