On Wednesday, Congressman Derrick Van Orden held a flag ceremony for Reynolds Tomter, a 107-year-old World War II Merchant Marine Veteran.

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has ordered flags to be flown at half-staff Monday in honor of U.S. Army Air Forces Sgt. Jack Hohlfeld, who lost his life in World War II and whose remains have been identified and returned to Wisconsin for burial.

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He survived the Bataan Death March and made his way to Cabanatuan POW Camp No. 1, where he died on Dec. 26, 1942, according to prison camp and other records. He was buried with five others in Common Grave 811 at the Cabanatuan Camp Cemetery.

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On Wednesday, Congressman Derrick Van Orden held a flag ceremony for Reynolds Tomter, a 107-year-old World War II Merchant Marine Veteran.

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Hohlfeld was a member of Headquarters Squadron, 24th Pursuit Group, when the Japanese invaded the Philippines in December 1941.

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His remains were eventually rescued after the war by the American Graves Registration Service personnel and were relocated to Manila in the Philippines.

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2023526 — Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has ordered that flags be lowered to half-staff to honor fallen service members this Memorial Day.

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Born in Vernon County and raised in La Crosse and Trempealeau counties, Hohlfeld voluntarily enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1938 and was assigned to the Philippines as a member of the Headquarters Squadron, 24th Pursuit Group.

2014427 — The creation of the South African flag was a frantic sprint led, in the end, by one one man - Fred Brownell.

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While intense fighting occurred, those on the Bataan Peninsula surrendered in April 1942. Hohlfeld, along with thousands of other U.S. and Filipino service members, were taken captive from the surrendered peninsula and later the surrendered Corregidor Island.

“Sgt. Jack Hohlfeld was a decorated military hero who selflessly answered the call to serve and gave his life defending the values and freedoms we as a nation hold most dear,” Evers said. “It is our responsibility to make sure no hero is ever left behind, no matter how many years have passed, and it is an honor to be able to help welcome Sgt. Hohlfeld back to his home so that he may be laid to rest.”