What is the need for black and brown on the pride flag? ... - rainbow flag black
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Deke Cox, commander of the Ogeechee Rifles Camp #941 in Statesboro, other flag dedications are planned in the future and he said the I-16 monument will soon be joined by artillery replicas, be lit up at night and have a sign that says “The Sons of the Confederacy welcome you to Bulloch County.
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The 1956 Georgia state flag and the battle flag of the Confederacy each wave from 55-foot high poles, with the U.S. flag in the middle on a 57-foot high pole.
Members of Sons of Confederacy groups from around Georgia, including Confederate field artillery and soldier re-enactors, gathered on the property of Raymond Todd, off Doe Run Road near Ga. Highway 46 in southeast Bulloch. Todd donated the use of his property that borders I-16 for a three-flag pole monument honoring America, Georgia and the Confederacy.