Bisexual people feel attracted to those with either one of the two biological genders: male and female. There could be certain sexualities or gender identities they do not like.

Those who do not enjoy it said they were bored by the colors as it did not give them a sense of “Pride”. Others also believed that the its origin came from someone who was transphobic.


This new pan flag design was not from Jasper, the creator of the original pan flag. It was made by a group of people who assumed Jasper supported negative things.

Over the past decades, the LGBTQ+ community has come with so many gender identities and sexual orientations to help identify each individual.

He copyrighted his flag, not as the Bear Pride flag, but as the International Bear Brotherhood Flag. “I’ll never forget the copyright number – Visual Art Copyright 763-760. I’ve never enforced it, just held on to make sure it wasn’t abused.”


This research manifested in a few ways, including conducting a survey, researching a history of the community, and designing a flag.

No source points out when this symbol was created and who made it. People have just used it for a long time to represent pansexuality.

Although standing independently among other LGBT pride flags, the pan flag has still been unknown or confusing to some people. If you are one of them, read this post.

In other words, pansexual people can have a romantic or (and) sexual relationship with anyone no matter what that person identifies as.

Here’s everything to know about the pansexual flag – including pansexual colors, its meaning, origin, symbol, and the new Pan flag design. Read on!

BearBrotherhood meaning

Mary Baldwin University is proud of stories like Craig Byrnes’ and excited to host such a diverse student body on our beautiful campus. For more information about the LGBTQ+ community on campus and in the area, visit our student experience page.

After the March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation in April 1993, Byrnes lost his job for being gay. Losing his income meant losing his housing, an apartment on West Beverley Street and losing his chance to finish out his psychology degree.

It is respect that matters because today, there are many flags posted recklessly on the internet showing some kind of unintentional stigma and discrimination.

Defining a Bear can be a tricky task, since everyone in the community is welcome to identify themselves as they please. The community formed sometime in the 1970s or 1980s after men who called themselves Bears found themselves unwelcome or turned away from conventional gay bars. Generally, Bears are sometimes burly, often hirsute, and always gay.

Bear Prideflag meaning

The pansexual flag, over the decade, has helped people in the pan community assert their existence in this world. Although several new flag designs are trying to displace the original pan flag, it still exists and is widely used within the community.

Mary Baldwin alumnus Craig Byrnes used his time at MBU to work with the Gay Bear community, and he gave back with a flag.

Furry flagpride

“In 50 words or less, please comment on your understanding and support of multi-level bear relationships. Husbears. Bear and Cub. Bear on the side?”

If you are a pansexual American who would love to spread some messages during the upcoming Pride Month, this flag may interest you:

Pansexuality is a type of human sexuality that forms attraction toward people regardless of their gender identities, sexualities, or biological genders.

When it comes to choosing a flag that accurately represents you, you must first determine your gender identity and sexual orientation on the spectrum.

“What’s important is I really helped people in a time where we all needed it. Not just with bringing the community a little closer together with my flag, but I raised money for AIDS charities, I met a lot of interesting people and lifelong friends, and I’m proud of what I did.”


There exists a common misconception that men did not study at Mary Baldwin University (then college) before the institution went co-ed in 2017. In fact, men have been earning credits and degrees at Mary Baldwin since the 1970s, when the Adult Degree Program (ADP) started providing an opportunity for higher education to the broader community.

So, as this design conveys an appropriate message and respect to the pansexual community without sending any discrimination to individuals, it has been approved by the majority.

Each hue represents the same thing as what the old version does. However, the shades are not as bright as those depicted on the original flag.

“I always knew I wanted to end the project by making a flag, so that’s what I did. I took a piece of paper and a little box of crayons and drew and colored the design in my head,” Byrnes recalled.

Since his stint in contests and pageants in the 1990s, Byrnes has kept a lower profile. He started a house-cleaning business while living in Washington D.C. and is now semi-retired. He never got a chance to complete his psychology degree.

Byrnes went on to win more titles in the Bear Community, including Mr. D.C. Bear in 1998 and, finally, International Mr. Bear in 1999.

But how did his flag come to such prominence? “During bear pride in 1997, the people at the Gay-Lesbian Store in Chicago asked me for 25 bear flags,” Byrnes explained. This exhibition of his flag made the International Bear Brotherhood Flag the de facto Bear Pride flag. Since the late 1990s, Byrnes’ flag has been proudly displayed by the Bear Community at pride events and community events around the world.

It refers to those attracted to a man or a woman, or an intersex person. Additionally, that person can belong to any gender identity along the spectrum with any sexuality.

If you identify yourself as pansexual, don’t hesitate to come out into the light with individuals in the LGBTQ+ community (and hey, June is near).

Byrnes came to Mary Baldwin from Virginia Beach in 1989. While studying psychology through ADP, he worked at the Staunton McDonald’s.


In 1993, Byrnes became a member of the Chesapeake Bears and subsequently participated in a number of Bear pageants, winning the ‘93 Mr. Baltimore Bear Cub Contest: “I bought a bunch of 50-cent teddy bears from someplace in Staunton and tossed them all around during the show – it brought the house down.”

Lurch received one of Byrnes’ four original prototype Bear flags as a token of appreciation, but also clued him into an ongoing debate. Unbeknownst to Byrnes, there already were Bear Pride flags – two, in fact, vying for the right to call themselves “The Bear Pride Flag.” Byrnes had no interest in competing, so he took a different route.

Unlike gender identity, sexuality (sexual orientation) is defined by the way in which a person is sexually or emotionally attracted to another person. Pansexuality is what belongs to this case.

It is exactly the combination of the male and female symbols with a half-circle on top to form a “P” — the first letter in “Pansexual.”

Byrnes shared his survey on some early internet forums popular in the Bear community, and asked questions about “bearhood” and the identification of oneself as a bear. In the end, the results were fascinating: “No one could tell me what it meant to be a bear. Throughout my career, people have asked me ‘am I a bear?’ and I always said the same thing – ‘that’s a question you ask in the mirror.’”


For his degree, Byrnes knew he wanted to research the Bear Community – a growing subculture in the broader gay community and a group that Byrnes identified as a part of.

“Gender identity is the personal sense of one’s own gender. Gender identity can correlate with a person’s assigned sex or can differ from it. In most individuals, the various biological determinants of sex are congruent and consistent with the individual’s gender identity.“

If you have a piece of Mary Baldwin “Hidden History” that you’d like to share, or any news or memories of Mary Baldwin, reach out to

Each of the two terms falls to a completely different category. So if someone confuses these two concepts, they are also confusing gender identity and sexuality.

It is odd to witness that. Any flags designed to serve a community must portray a good picture. Sadly, it is what happens these days, though.

After Staunton, Byrnes started to travel the country and explore the bear community in all its forms. At the International Bear Rendezvous of 1996, he met a man named Lurch, the founding president of the San Francisco Bears.

Bear Pridemeaning

The new pansexual flag has six horizontal stripes with three different hues: red, yellow, and blue. Each hue is separated into two versions of color.

Craig Byrnes is proof that men did not only study at Mary Baldwin – they did groundbreaking, necessary, and meaningful work as an extension of their ambition in the classroom.

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If you have no clue about what pansexuality is before reaching to know its symbolic  pansexual flag, here’s the explanation from experts.

No matter how many designs come to the public, most people within the pansexual community have still been using the original one.

In fact, there were fourth new pan flags that have been circulating around online, but above is the most common design to talk about.