That number grows to a strong majority (57%) for white Americans without a college education who also live in a rural community. A plurality of college-educated white Americans who live in rural communities says the Confederate flag represents (48%) heritage over racism (33%).

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Virginia, in particular, is more likely than other former Confederate states to consider the flag a sign of racism (46%) over heritage (33%). In recent years, the state has argued over whether to keep monuments of Confederate military leaders like Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson on display, leading to well-covered legal debates on the implication of the Confederate flag. Charlottesville Circuit Court Judge Richard Moore explained the case by writing: “While some people obviously see Lee and Jackson as symbols of white supremacy, others see them as brilliant military tacticians or complex leaders in a difficult time.”

America’s youngest adults say with certainty that the flag represents racism over heritage. About half (51%) of adults between 18 to 24 say the flag represents racism, and a plurality of those (46%) in their late-20s and early-30s choose racism over heritage. Fewer than one in five adults (16%) between 18 and 24 believe the Confederate flag is a sign of heritage.

Looking at the Census-designated subsections of the United States: New England (49% vs. 25%) and the Pacific coast (44% vs. 27%) are the most likely regions to say that the Confederate flag is a sign of racism over heritage. Other parts of the country are more narrowly divided. The East South Central, West South Central, West North Central, and Mountain divisions are all split within the margin of error on whether the Confederate flag is a sign of racism or heritage.

North Carolina, which narrowly said the flag represents racism over heritage (43% vs. 39%), has grappled with how to handle the monuments in recent years. In 2017, North Carolina’s Democratic Governor, Roy Cooper, asked the state’s historical commission to move the symbols because “We cannot continue to glorify a war against the United States of America fought in the defense of slavery.”

Overall, agender folks deserve the same respect, kindness, and understanding you extend to others. In my experience, agender folks become tired when they constantly have to answer personal and invasive questions. Instead, they just want to enjoy their life with friends, family, pets, etc. Having a supportive space, using someone’s correct pronouns, and name may seem simple, but makes a life changing difference.

Agender refers to “lack of gender”. Gendervoid is used to describe people who do not experience any gender, and instead, feel unable to experience gender or as if there is a void where gender would/should be. While the two sound similar the way each group experiences their gender is different and many agender people do not resonate with being gendervoid.

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Agender is a gender identity that falls under the non-binary umbrella and commonly refers to people who don’t feel they resonate with any gender, whether this be male, female, both, or neither. Most agender people use gender neutral pronouns such as they/them to refer to themselves and ask those in their life to do the same.

Agender refers to gender, where asexual refers to someone’s sexual orientation. People who are asexual experience little or no sexual attraction to others or have limited to no desire for sexual contact. But, agender people can be asexual and asexual people can be agender; however, they are not the same and not all agender people will be asexual and vice versa. This is because someone’s experience of gender and sexual orientation are not the same.

Agender is commonly used to refer to someone who has a “lack of gender” or is gender-neutral. This means the person does not resonate with being male, female, or any other gender. Agender people can be born as any sex and have any sexual orientation. This is because sex versus gender, and sexual orientation are all interrelated, but different.

Kristen Fuller, MD is a physician with experience in adult, adolescent, and OB/GYN medicine. She has a focus on mood disorders, eating disorders, substance use disorder, and reducing the stigma associated with mental health.

There isn’t a test you can take to call yourself agender and there aren’t any rules associated with it either. Instead, agender can mean different things to different people, but most agree it is the absence of resonating with gender. People who are agender likely don’t feel that being male, female, or any other gender really suits them.

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YouGov asked more than 34,000 Americans to say whether the Confederate flag most represents racism or heritage (additionally, panelists were allowed to select “Don’t know” or “neither of these” as responses). The poll was conducted after Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, said that the Confederate flag meant “service, sacrifice and heritage” in her state until a white supremacist “hijacked” its meaning and killed nine Black Americans. Following that shooting, the Confederate flag was permanently removed from South Carolina’s statehouse grounds.

That’s a divide simply not mirrored in other racial groups when segmented by higher education. About three-fourths (73%) of Black Americans with a degree say the flag most represents racism. Among Black Americans who were not educated beyond high school, 61 percent say it represents racism.

Finding gender-affirming care can be costly, time consuming, and difficult. But, having it is life saving. Not only can it help agender people feel more like who they truly are, it can offer support and guidance. Mental healthcare is particularly hard to find, but there are ways to find an LGTBGQ+ therapist and there are LGTBQ+ online therapy options. Companies like Plume and Folx also offer affordable gender affirming hormone therapy and other medical care specifically for transgender people.

The idea of the Confederate flag primarily representing heritage is divisive even among the former Confederate states of America, according to state-level data collected by YouGov. Though a couple of former Confederate states believe the flag is more representative of heritage than racism, that is not the case for all.

Methodology: Total weighted sample size was 34,598 US Adults aged 18+. Participants were asked, “What do you believe the Confederate flag MOST represents?” Response options were: Heritage, Racism, Neither of these, or Don’t know.” The survey was conducted December 6 - 9, 2019. The responding sample is weighted to provide a representative sample of the United States.

Most people have a gender assigned to them even before they are born and the majority of folks never have any discomfort stemming from this. But, for non-binary and transgender people this can create significant distress. For many people, as they learn more about gender and their own experiences they realize they may not identify as the gender that was provided to them at an early age. They then take steps to align their life with the gender they feel fits best.

While the two terms of agender and gender non-conforming can overlap they are not the same. Gender non-conforming refers to people who do not follow or feel their gender fits in the traditional categories of male or female. For many gender non-conforming people they are defying the gender norms required of them. Agender people may or may not have this experience.

Overall, those living in rural communities (47%) are more likely than those in cities (26%), suburbs (33%), and towns (38%) to say the flag represents heritage over racism.

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The short answer? No! You do not have to label your gender. Labeling gender is going to be a unique and personal experience, which will differ person to person. Some people find that labels help them feel part of a community or describe their experiences more clearly. A label can also help other people learn more about what you are experiencing, but there are plenty of people who feel gender does not need to be labeled and choose not to adopt one. They instead find other ways to describe themselves and share with others that they don’t wish to talk about their gender.

If someone you know is agender or comes out to you, the most important step you can take is to support them. You may not understand their experience or what they are telling you. You may even feel a bit overwhelmed and nervous, but you can still support them.

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Those between 55 and 64 say the Confederate flag represents heritage (41% to 36%), which is a margin that only widens for Americans over 65 (49% vs. 32%). In contrast, a plurality of adults under 44 years old affiliate the Confederate flag with racism.

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White Americans appear more conflicted about the meaning of the Confederate flag than other racial groups, though results vary based on level of education.

Since pronouns heavily assume and rely on gender, most agender people will choose to use gender neutral pronouns such as they/them, ze/hir/hirs, ze/zir/zirs, etc. This is because these pronouns do not assume or label the person as any gender.

It was flown during the Civil War when 11 states — Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Texas — broke from the nation to defend the practice of slavery. The Confederate Army lost that war more than 150 years ago, but the battle flag still represents a deep and bitter divide across America today.

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As mentioned above, agender falls under the non-binary umbrella. This umbrella is used for people who do not experience their gender as solely male or female. Instead, they may experience their gender as a blend of being male, female, both, or neither.

For some, they then go on to realize this gender was not the best fit and chose another. For others, their gender is never solidified and instead is fluid; changing by the day, season, mood, etc. Your gender is always your own and even if it changes it is still valid.

There were 1919 people from New England, 3975 from the Middle Atlantic, 4117 from the East North Central, 2387 from the West North Central, 7206 from the South Atlantic, 2001 from the East South Central, 3933 from the West South Central, 3146 from the Mountain division, and 5914 from the Pacific. There were 519 people from Alabama, 307 people from Arkansas, 1952 people from Florida, 799 people from Georgia, 257 people from Louisiana, 163 people from Mississippi, 1210 people from North Carolina, 408 people from South Carolina, 746 people from Tennessee, 1202 people from Virginia, and 2710 people from Texas. The sample is weighted to provide a representative sample of the United States.

A plurality of Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans, regardless of education-split, also say it represents racism over heritage.

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For a plurality of Americans, the Confederate flag represents racism (41%). But for about one-third of Americans (34%) — particularly adults over 65, those living in rural communities, or non-college-educated white Americans — the flag symbolizes heritage.

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Many people confuse the terms agender and non-binary, genderqueer, and gender-fluid. While a person’s gender should never be assumed and everyone will have a different experience of their own gender, for many there is a difference between these terms. Many people who are non-binary, genderqueer, and gender-fluid resonate with some characteristics of being male or female to some degree, but agender people do not. While people who are agender can be non-binary, not all non-binary people will be agender.

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Among white Americans with a two-year college degree, four-year college degree, or postgraduate degree, the Confederate flag is more representative of racism (45%) than heritage (36%). But for white Americans who did not complete high school or did not get an education beyond high school, the reverse is true: 49 percent believe the Confederate flag represents heritage, and about a quarter (24%) say it represents racism.

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