American Bunting Flag - 48 X 25 inches - bunting flag
Cameroon flagvs Senegalflag
The Equatorial Guinean flag has 4 primary colors, which are green, blue, white and red. The table below has the common and popular codes of these colors in HEX, RGB and CMYK formats along with Pantone (PMS), RAL and NCS (Natural Color System). Please note that HEX and RGB codes are to be used for digital works and web pages (including HTML and CSS) while the CMYK values are for printers.
Cameroon flagmeaning
Download the Equatorial Guinean flag Color Palette image along with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media. For print and spot color values, please refer to the information above. The Pantone® (PMS) values and RAL.
The national flag of Cameroon was adopted in its present form on 20 May 1975 after Cameroon became a unitary state. It is a vertical tricolor of green, red and yellow, defaced with a five-pointed star in its center. There is a wide variation in the size of the central star, although it is always contained within the inside stripe. The color scheme uses the traditional Pan-African colors (Cameroon becoming the second state to do so). The center stripe is thought to stand for unity: red is the colour of unity, and the star is referred to as "the star of unity". The yellow stands for the sun, and also the savannas in the northern part of the country, while the green is for the forests in the southern part of Cameroon. The previous flag of Cameroon (1961-1975) had a similar color scheme, but with two gold (darker than the third stripe by comparison) stars in the upper half of the green. It was adopted following British South Cameroon's joining of the State of Cameroon. The original flag, first made law by Law 46 of 26 October 1957, was the simple tricolor. It was confirmed on 21 February 1960 in the new constitution.
Green, blue, white and red, the four colors in the Equatorial Guinean flag, stand for agricultural lands, sea, peace and country's independence, respectively. Also, specially in case of state flags, the meaning associated with the colors are generally endorsed by an official charter. However, at times the symbolism is simply understood by being descended from the culture of the land or has seeped so deeply into customs that, now, the two are inextricably linked. Please also note that there can be more than one meaning for the colors in the Equatorial Guinea flag.
Suosituin ja tavallinen 150x90cm lippu on kevyt polyesteristä neulottu lippu. Lipun on tehty kevyksi, kestäväksi ja houkutteleva näköiseksi.