
Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, 734003, RT, Dushanbe, dist. Sino, str.Sino 29-31 Tel.: (+992) 446-600-3977, 2353496, Fax: 2243687E-mail: info@tajmedun.tj Web-site: www.tajmedun.tj © 2024

On the occasion of the holiday, state flags are hung in state institutions and on the streets. Festive events such as solemn processions, sports competitions and concerts are held in the country's cities. In Dushanbe, an official ceremony of raising the national flag of the Republic of Tajikistan is held.

It takes 2 hours to get to the top by a narrow circular staircase inside the mast, as 500 steps are equal to a 54-story structure.


One can be proud not only of the height of the country's symbol, but also of its length. In 2011, in honor of the 20th anniversary of the country's independence, more than 3 thousand people carried the flag more than 2 km long, 7 m wide and weighing 860 kg through the central square of the capital.

On August 30, 2011, the State Flag of Tajikistan was raised to a world record height of 165 meters. This flagpole is visible from anywhere in the capital. Earlier, a contest was announced, which was held in a closed mode, where more than 200 projects were submitted, each of which was studied and evaluated by a special commission. The proposed designs were only three-color fabric (fabric with three colored stripes), each color representing the content of the past and present history of the Tajik people.

The State Commission selected the design of the State Flag and the State Emblem prepared by Z. Habibulloev, A. Zanevsky, L. Dodkhudoeva, N. Ignatushina and M. Saidaliev.


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«The national flag, which is an expression of unity, honor, dignity, patriotism and national identity of the culture-honoring Tajik people, reflects in its colors the aspirations and goals of the Tajik people».

«Each of us should from childhood cultivate in the minds of our children a sense of respect, pride, love and devotion to national symbols, including the flag. We are obliged to protect our national flag, respect it as a symbol of national statehood, independence, freedom and an unparalleled national value. I am absolutely confident that every single resident of the country will continue to expand and multiply the works of creation and improvement under the State Flag for the sake of greater prosperity of our beloved Motherland, strengthening the economic power of our independent state and enhancing its authority in the international arena».

The official opening of the flagpole took place on August 30, 2011, which was timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of independence of the republic.

Constituent Services manage flag requests and questions about the use of the Virginia flag. We issue all formal directives from the Governor on flying both the national and state flags.


You can check today's flag status by visiting this page, or sign up to be alerted by email when the flag status changes.

Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, 734003, RT, Dushanbe, dist.Sino, str.Sino 29-31 Тел.: (+992) 446-600-3977, 2353496 Факс: 2243687E-mail: info@tajmedun.tj Web-site: www.tajmedun.tj © 2024

«For thirty years of independence, dozens of large, hundreds and thousands of important industrial and social facilities have been built and erected in our country under the State Flag, which is the fruit of united patriotic labor of the country's residents, which contributes to the sustainable development of the national economy, strengthening the power of the state and unprecedented prosperity of our beloved Motherland».

Flagof Kazakhstan

The construction of the flagpole in Dushanbe started on November 24, 2010, so the National Flag Day is celebrated on this day.

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Annually November 24 is celebrated the Day of the State Flag of Tajikistan, which was approved on November 24, 1992 at the Arbob Palace in Khujand at the historic XVI session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan.

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«The colors of our national flag express the historical path of the people of Tajikistan, the values of national culture and politics. Red color is a symbol of struggle, self-sacrifice of the people for freedom and independence, white color is a symbol of happiness, aspiration and hope and green color is a symbol of prosperity, pride and eternity. In the middle of the flag there is an image of a crown and seven stars, which is a sign of the historical roots of the statehood of independent Tajikistan».

The national flag of Tajikistan from 2011 to 2014 was considered the highest in the world and was included in the Guinness Book of Records.