These people utilizing one of the earliest symbols of American identity to represent themselves and their racist aims is intentional. They are calling back an old America. That is what the flag means, and that is why it is hateful.

In the photo at far left, the European flag is properly hoisted. The flag on the right in the same photo, however, is upside down, as you can see from the stars ...

A study published in Race and Social Problems found Tea Party supporters were more likely to be racist than your average white American.

In addition to dates declared by the president or a state governor, American flags should be flown at half-staff on the following dates:

Held proudly alongside the Gadsden flag, protestors at Tea Party rallies would hold signs saying phrases such as: ‘‘A Village in Kenya Is Missing Its Idiot: Deport Obama!” ‘‘Congress = Slave Owner; Taxpayer = N**gar’’ and ‘‘Imam Obama Wants to Ban Pork: Don’t Let Him Steal Your Meat,” according to Vox.

Any knowledge of American history and identity can tell you it was not formed under principles of racial equity. But as previously mentioned, the historical origins of an object does not necessarily define its present connotations.

The red cooped cross alludes to Christianity, the religion practiced by approximately 97% of the nation's population. Flag of Tonga has white which epitomizes ...

Having gone over its history, some may ask how anyone could claim this flag is racist if its origins are so firmly rooted in the American Revolution. How can an early symbol of American identity be considered racist?

Every ship must have a nationality and fly a national flag of a state.A courtesy flag is flown by a visiting ship in foreign waters as a token of respect.

Thursday, flags around Central Georgia were lowered to half staff, and ... "I haven't actually seen any flags at half staff today," says Walinda Maynard.

The Mauritius flag design consists of four horizontal bands running from top to bottom of red, blue, yellow and green. This design was adopted in 1968, ...

Oct 10, 2023 — Today, I ordered the U.S. Mission to the United Nations to be illuminated in the blue and white colors of the Israeli flag as a symbol of ...

It bears mentioning that an object’s historical origins cannot contradict any modern interpretations or associations it has gathered. But due to the fact not many people are aware of this flag’s history and modern connotations, it is worth briefly going over.

As a New Yorker article points out, the Gadsden flag wasn’t the first symbol to be  misappropriated and used for racist, bigoted means — the swastika was as well.

You may also wonder about the legalities associated with flying the American flag at half-staff. Keep in mind the Flag Code provides guidance on flying the stars and stripes for citizens, and only public and government buildings and grounds are required to follow the code. That means citizens who do not adhere to the code will not face civil or criminal penalties.

It consists of three equal horizontal stripes in black, red and green, reflecting the Pan-African flag. The black stripe symbolizes the people of Malawi, the ...

The United States flag is flown at half-staff whenever our country or a state is in mourning. This may include the death of a president, a U.S. Supreme Court justice, a member of Congress or another public servant or figure; a national tragedy or a designated holiday. Only the president of the United States, a state governor or the mayor of the District of Columbia can order flags of government buildings flown at half-staff. However, private sector businesses may choose to lower their flag to honor any citizen without authorization.

Blank walls suck, so bring some life to your mancave, bedroom, office, studio, wherever.

In more recent years, the Gadsden flag has cropped up at President Donald Trump and white supremacist rallies. If the two were on a Venn diagram, it would just be a circle. And in 2014, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission stated the display of the Gadsden flag in the workplace could be considered racial harassment.

•    May 15 for Peace Officers Memorial Day •    Memorial Day (half-staff until noon)* •    September 11 for Patriot Day •    December 7 for Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

The colors of the national flag are like a nod to Virginia as a quintessential state in American identity and history, while the faded red and ...

In some instances, a flag cannot be lowered to half-staff. On such occasions, such as when displaying the flag at home, the American Legion says it is acceptable to attach a black streamer or mourning ribbon of the same width as the flag stripes to the top of the flag instead. Likewise, if a flag is displayed on the wall, you may attach three black mourning bows to the top of the flag, with one in the center and two on the top corners of the flag.


The Tea Party, a right-wing political movement said to represent economic concerns — but in actuality was a racist reaction to former President Barack Obama’s election — has repeatedly used the Gadsden flag to represent its political agenda.

*According to, the flag is flown at half-staff for the first half of Memorial Day to honor those who have died in our wars. It is then raised to full height from noon to sundown to honor living veterans.

Some people will still say this flag’s revolutionary origin is not racist. But it is important to look at the context — a rally of white people protesting the erosion of good ol’ American values, of the white nuclear family, of the invasion of the United States by immigrants choosing this specific flag to spread their message means something.

Am I saying that the swastika and Gadsden flag are on equal footing in terms of almost universal knowledge of hateful appropriation? No, the controversy surrounding the Gadsden flag is still relatively nebulous.

This flag is racist. It is disgusting to see our administration — not just some random individual living on campus — display the flag so flagrantly.

Right outside of Marciano Commons, near the ROTC headquarters, hangs an American flag. Right beneath it, billowing proudly in the breeze, is the Gadsden flag. If you are unfamiliar with it, the flag depicts a snake wrapped in a coil, with the words “Don’t Tread on Me” boldly printed on the bottom.

But that does not change the fact that the flag has been — and continues to be — used by racists and fanatics to represent their disgusting aims. And these modern uses affect any current meaning the flag holds.

The flag is racist and that’s why its my favorite!!! who are you to take away my favorite thing!!! I’m a reptile furry and I love the don’t tread on me flag bc I would love to have sexual relations with a snake one day

Recently, paparazzi pictures of actor Chris Pratt wearing a “Don’t Tread on Me” shirt have emerged, further bolstering his long-awaited cancellation. He has been rumoured to be a hard-core conservative, and follows Instagram and Twitter accounts belonging to racist pundit Ben Shapiro, white supremacist Rep. Dan Crenshaw — who liked an image of himself on a Neo- Nazi meme account — and the glorified Trump stan account Turning Point USA.

The president of the United States has the authority to order the flags flown at half-staff for occasions such as the death of public officials or world leaders ...

Not only has its meaning been appropriated by racists to advance their agendas, but the flag’s original context in itself represents an America that held Black people in bondage, and committed genocide against Indigenous peoples.

We're just past Flag Day in the United States and approaching our nation's Independence Day, so many of us are taking our flags out of storage and showing our pride in our country. And that raises questions about the standards to which we must adhere to show respect to the colors, among them: when to fly the American flag at half-staff (referred to as half-mast when referencing flags flown on ships, and half-staff for non-nautical uses). So here's your primer on the tradition of flying the flag at half-staff and the particulars you should know.

Moreover, a Vox article analyzing the legacy of the Tea Party with respect to the 2016 election stated the party’s opposition to Obama is what empowered Southern members to express racist sentiments — no matter how discreet that racism was.

The Gadsden flag can be traced back to 1775, when newly enlisted marines marched carrying drums painted with coiled rattlesnakes, 13 rattles and the motto “Don’t Tread on Me.” It was named after South Carolina Continental Army Col. Christopher Gadsden, who was on the Marine Committee.

When assessing where and how to fly a flag at half-staff, it's important to know the flag is typically flown at half-staff from sunrise to sunset unless otherwise specified (such as with Memorial Day*) when the flag is flown at half-staff from sunrise to noon). When flying the flag at half-staff on a vertical pole, you should first raise it to the highest point of the flagpole for a moment and then lower it to half-staff. Likewise, as you lower the flag for the night, you should first raise it to the very top of the pole and then lower it. It's also important to note that whenever the American flag is being flown at half-staff, all other flags should also be flown at half-staff or taken down.

The Gadsden Flag is one of the first flags of US and the original flag of the Marine Corps. It predates Old Glory. Dont Tread On Me was an against all odds rallying cry against British rule. It has recently been displayed proudly on the jerseys of US athletes, right over their hearts. It’s not a racist symbol. Are US Olympic athletes racist? Is Metallica racist? Nike? WWE? Rocky?! Comparing it to swastika is irresponsible. It’s not even remotely close. It is a symbol of patriotism and unfortunate that some (very few) have used it alongside racist thoughts but again it is not a symbol of racism anymore than a rainbow flag is a symbol of hate. You see more USA flags at Trump and far right extremist rallies than Gadsden Flags. Does that make the US Flag racist as well? You may have a point if it were a symbolism of the Civil War but it isn’t. It’s a symbol of the Revolutionary War. Perhaps you forgot exactly why there was a revolution in the first place because that’s where the flag has its roots.

The rattlesnake has long been a symbol of American identity. One of its earliest iterations comes from Benjamin Franklin, who published an image of a snake cut in eight sections captioned “Join, or Die” in 1754. The snake represented the colonies, and the image is considered the first satirical cartoon in an American newspaper.

Could you be anymore of a idiot? Like lol really you just called Ben Shapiro racist that says it all about your stupidity!